UFO crash site near Roswell first discovered for tourists

The UFO crash site near Roswell was first opened to tourists.A photo from open sources

It is believed that in July 1947 near the city of Roswell in New Mexico State collapsed (shot down allegedly by the U.S. military) humanoid alien aircraft (homoids) on board. Since then this place has turned into a real Mecca for ufologists and conspiracy theorists, however before curious people were not allowed here. Everything has changed in the past weekend when a possible place to crash an unidentified flying The facility was first opened to tourists.

Local reporters report that at least 200 people accepted participation in tours of the protected area. For many people, interested in unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial civilizations, a visit to this place has become truly sacred event. Americans and visitors say they feel here special energy, which clearly indicates that in this desert creatures from a different planet or from another measurements.

However, this venture also has critics. They are remind that the alleged crash site of the “flying saucer” privately owned and owned by the owners of the nearby ranch. Apparently, the landowners decided to start earning on tourists. For $ 250 you can buy a VIP ticket at the cost of which includes an excursion, lunch and some others services. For $ 65 you just drop off somewhere in the middle deserts and will be left alone with themselves. And not the fact that it will be point on the map. Some people were walking in pairs miles to be in the right place.

In short, get ready to fork out well if you wish visit the legendary Roswell. Even among ufologists and conspiracy theorists are many people dissatisfied with this situation of things. First, they argue that any person outside depending on his financial situation, must have the right touch the story. Secondly, the researchers are confident that the American government has long cleared this area of ​​any there are no traces of a UFO crash, and there is simply nothing remarkable here. The one who plans to find an alien artifact or dents in the desert in the earth will be greatly disappointed.

And most importantly: today you need to look for aliens in completely different places. And even more correct: wait, they themselves will find you, if in this there will be a need on their part or, let’s say, on the part of Higher powers …

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