This mural is painted on the wall in Biserica Manastirii (church Dominican monastery, built in the 14th century), in the city of Sighisoara. Sighisoara, by the way, is the very place where Vlad Tepes was born, who became the prototype of the legend of Dracula.
A photo from open sources
At the bottom of the fresco is the inscription: “Israel hoffe auf den herrn”, which means “May Israel trust in the Lord.” This is a phrase from the Bible (hymnal, Psalm 130). The full passage in the Bible is:
Psalm 130
Song of the Ascension of David.
1 Lord, my heart was not proud, and mine did not ascend eyes, and I did not deal with the great, inaccessible to me affairs.
2 But he humbled and calmed his soul, like a child taken from maternal breasts; my soul is like a child taken from the mother breasts.
3 Let Israel trust in the Lord from now and forever!
Scientists believe that the inscription to the fresco itself indicates that it was made in 1523 when the Bible was translated into German. UFOs are similar to objects that are present on paintings and coins dating from the 4th to the 17th century.
A photo from open sources
Chariot of Fire, Rome, 98 BC
A photo from open sources
17th century French coins are thought to represent the “wheel” Ezekiel ”
A photo from open sources