UFO flew over Serbia

UFO flew over SerbiaPhotos from open sources of

Recently, residents of the Serbian Doni Milanovac in the east of the country watched a whole group of unidentified lethal objects, flying in the sky. Five flashing “flying saucers” as if from appeared out of nowhere at about ten o’clock in the evening. The alleged alien ships are lined up in a triangle and slowly flew over the city, attracting the attention of numerous witnesses. After that, the UFOs disappeared without a trace.

Local resident Dragan Vasik, walking along the night streets, too noticed mysterious lights in the sky. The surprised man took out his mobile phone and captured a UFO procession on video. Once on “YouTube”, the Serb video has collected many views and comments. Professional ufologists who are interested in the material felt that the record may show something unusual. However most of the comments on this video are from ordinary people, not Interested in flying saucers professionally.

“I think this is one huge object with five plasma missile engines, not five separate aircraft, “one writes user.

“These are ordinary Chinese lanterns, inflated and raised skyward by the wind. You can buy them at many stores, ” other.

“The Russians said they recently launched a small pyramidal satellite wrapped in foil. He became the brightest object in the night the sky. Maybe they actually put heels of such satellites, and it is them that are visible on this video? “- suggests third.

“What if it’s the legendary secret aircraft TR-3B-Astra US air force? It’s just not clear that the damned Yankees have again forgotten in Serbia, “says the fourth.

As you can see, there are many opinions, but they all come down to one thing: UFOs and aliens continue to worry not only ufologists, but and ordinary people, despite the fact that recently on the web Internet of photo and video materials about this is becoming more and more more…

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