UFO flotilla leaves the moon

UFO flotilla left the moonPhotos from open sources

An ordinary amateur astronomer observed a couple of nights ago a natural satellite of our planet when he suddenly noticed something absolutely stunning. It’s about a big group unidentified flying objects that apparently left the moon and heading into outer space.

By chance, that night our hero recorded everything their observations on the video, and the alleged ships of the representatives extraterrestrial civilization also did not slip away from the camera.

The man emphasizes that the mysterious objects could not be a flock of birds. According to the astronomer, we are clearly flying devices of alien origin. No wonder world ufologists constantly say that the moon is inhabited by the heavens body, however, the “green human” hide as far as possible this fact is from unreasonable humanity. It turns out, sometimes extraterrestrial the mind nevertheless misses and is detected by keen eyes, recorded by numerous instruments of terrestrial observers.


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