UFO hiding under the electromagnetic flux invisible to the human eye

A UFO is hiding under an electromagnetic stream invisible to the human eyeA photo from open sources Indian scientists finally figured out how UFOs watching us and they still fly all around us and we don’t notice it. In Pune, India, engineers of the Organization for Indian Defense Research and Development Experimenting with a device that allows you to see the effect of intense electromagnetic fluxes. Final Consequences of Concealment obtained by creating intense electromagnetic fluxes around any object. The Russians experienced similar mechanisms concealment. electromagnetic flowmeter can ‘be created through the most advanced superconductor applications. it paranormal means to create a flow that does everything really invisible. Electromagnetic flux can be created by any person through meditation. When this happens, appear strange phenomena that most people call miracles, divine events, etc. .. Scientists more and more “convinced is that the electromagnetic flux and is “used to make UFOs are invisible to the human eye. Some animals have sensors that allow them to feel energy near themselves “electromagnetic flux. Probably dogs and cats see UFOs, but they don’t always know how to say it! According to them, the machine that sees through the electromagnetic flux can see a UFO in any case. The reason why it is sometimes visible for short periods and is “connected so that when a UFO enters the Earth’s atmosphere and is close to an object or to a destination on earth, UFOs need to change speed or an ultrasonic UFO its maneuvering methods to accelerate and adapt to electromagnetism and Earth’s gravity. Exactly at this moment to prevent electromagnetic interference artificial flow is diverted for short periods of time. When a UFO reaches a typical speed that can be used on the ground, electromagnetic flow is activated. This explains why many airplane pilots pursue them unsuccessfully because those suddenly disappear. If we rely on this discovery, we see that there may be many UFOs around us. There are also signs that the carrier may be associated with this electromagnetic flow.


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