The first victim of a mysterious phenomenon called “sniper phantom.”
No one saw who it was – a sniper phantom. Or what is it such. No one found what he was shooting. At the crime scene only neatly punched targets were found – glass, metal sheets. Sometimes people get under the hand. But before sniper phantom inflicted only light wounds. Now on his account you can record a murder. The tragedy erupted in New Zealand.
On the morning of October 24, farmer Rutger Telford Hale set off with Oylir’s girlfriend for business.
Suddenly something with terrible speed broke through the windshield, injuring the driver. Oylir grabbed the wheel and stopped the car, miraculously not landed in a ditch. Only then she noticed that the rear window of the car also broken.
The results of the examination amazed the investigators. The item that has broken through the car was neither a bullet, nor a piece of ice, nor dropped out of an airplane bolt, no meteorite. He was not hot and left no particle traces.
Naturally, the police were looking for a mysterious instrument of crime. Destroyed the vegetation on a plot of 450×30 meters and examined its three days. Not found. And, not at all embarrassed, they called the subject, the farmer who kills is an unidentified flying object.
From solitary to fluent fire
So far the hardest hit by a mysterious shooter considered Swedish military Sven Andersson. Something pierced his hip right at the gates of the air base September 12, 1974. Doctors noted: the wound depth is 5 centimeters, the inlet looks like a bullet. There is no outlet. Like the bullet itself.
In the state of Washington in the spring of 1954, only one week was more than 1,500 windshields were broken in cars. Seattle only for one night holes appeared in several hundred glasses. In the police calculated that for hooliganism of this scale it is necessary to at least 200 intruders acting in concert.
The correspondent of the local newspaper Rob Kubbage assured that he saw as holes appeared in the glasses one after another. Few people were easily injured.
The mayor of Seattle turned to scientists for help, but heard in response what is “5 percent hooliganism and 95 percent – mass hysteria”.
Shot from the past
To explain the sniper phantom, a number of hypotheses have been put forward. One of them attributed holes in objects to charged particles with ultrahigh energy that appeared in the atmosphere after nuclear tests. This version did not take into account that the sniper phantom was still operating in the XIX century – long before the atomic bomb.
The very first case described in old newspapers is dated 2 October 1875 A gentleman walking outdoors got a through wound to the arm. Than shocked companions that are nothing they did not hear or see the suspicious.
A photo from open sources
Suspicion could not help but fall on a UFO. Such versions appearing in The 50s of the last century are still popular. But clarity they are not add. Because they don’t explain what impact mechanical damage occurs.
Rays? But then the glass should be melted. And what are these rays those that pierce the body to a certain depth?
Esotericists believe that sniper phantom is a kind of poltergeist, “noisy spirit”. Indeed, with his riots glass apartments often suffer. But is it worth explaining one unknown to others no less unknown?
Swedish researchers of anomalous phenomena attribute wound Andersson’s “time shift.” Like, next to the base is polygon. On the day he was wounded, they did not shoot there. But once upon a time past or future, the bullet that went into the milk reached the gate and, moving in time until September 12, struck Sven. Then she disappeared along with powder deposits and all microparticles, returning in due time.
The most exotic version says that we are in contact with one or many parallel worlds. Speed in one world much higher than ours. The insects living in it, temporarily getting to us, do not notice the obstacles. At their speeds the impact is devastating – so dispersed hurricane sticks pierce trees and road signs. When worlds diverge, all matter from their world falls back, and in our only pure holes remain in reality …