A photo from open sources
The aliens were constantly monitored for their captivity. Total footage exceeds 700 hours. According to information, obtained from one of NASA engineers, there is a documentary an hour and a half movie about them. Its 25 minute fragment was featured in New York to employees of organizations related to aeronautics and space flights, and the audience was warned about non-disclosure of information received. About the incident in South Africa we have much more information than the Roswell case. Mode the strictest secrecy was respected here, but one of the officers the South African Air Force, realizing the value of information and realizing that its concealment is unacceptable and is an act of treason in relation to to all mankind, revealed the secret of disaster. Result in the same 1989, newspapers around the world wrote about her. Timeline that is. May 7, 1989 at 13 hours 45 minutes GMT, the Navy frigate. The United States, located in the Atlantic, broadcast by radio to the headquarters of the Navy in Cape Town reporting an unidentified flying object heading towards the African continent. At 13 hours 52 minutes object entered the airspace of the Republic of South Africa. From the base Valhalla Air Force urgently flew two Mirage fighters, and at 13 hours 59 minutes the lead pilot of one of them said that he saw an object. The command orders to open fire on him. Shooting had an effect. The pilot reported on several dazzling flashes from the side of the object, after which it became sway violently while continuing to move north. IN 14 hours 02 minutes, the object began to lose height, and then, making on high-speed bend, hit the Kalahari desert surface in 80 kilometers from the border with Botswana. Soft landing On UFO emergency landing site operational group of officers arrived reconnaissance and discovered a crater with a diameter of 150 meters and a depth of 12 meters. A silver-steel disc-shaped object lay at the bottom, entering the soil at an angle of 45 degrees. Sand and rock around it were fused due to strong heating. The first of the arrivals rescue helicopters, being above the object at an altitude of 152 meters, suddenly froze, and then crashed down. Five crew members were killed. Engine problems also occurred in cars that tried get closer to the crater. It soon became clear that everything was to blame. intense electromagnetic field emanating from the object. Only after the paint-like was applied to the surface of the disk a compound (polymer resin) that neutralizes the magnetic field, managed to bring the equipment and remove the disk from the soil. Despite strongest blow, the object turned out to be almost intact. On the same day he was transferred to the secret base of the South African Air Force, and the place falls masked by sand and boulders. At the base in closed the room was a preliminary inspection. Object Diameter amounted to 18.2 meters, height – 8.64 meters, weight – 50 tons. Landing the device has been extended. During inspection deep in the disk there was a loud knock and a hatch opened on one side. Out of him two humanoid creatures appeared in tight-fitting grays costumes. Living emitters video shooting, and this moment shown in the film was the most exciting. The stranger who first got out of the hatch stared at a man in a gas mask, and he began to slowly fall on floor. At the same time, neither in the hands of the aliens, nor on their clothes no items. At the same time, an assumption was made (which subsequently more than once found confirmation) that the aliens, probably capable of influencing people with their biofield, causing a feeling of fear and paralysis. Only when after a few hours to the base delivered spacesuits that can withstand powerful radiation, people managed to get closer to the aliens without harm to health. UFO pilots were taken to a medical center. Visual inspection showed that they are creatures of small stature (1.22-1.37 meters) and similar in appearance to creatures from Roswell: greenish-gray skin; a larger, more human, head; the face protrudes forward; On him large, pupilless, black eyes; small nose with two nostrils; a small mouth that looks like a slot. The neck is thin. Hands are thin and long, reach the knees. Brushes – with three fingers and sinewy eardrums. Aliens behaved non-aggressively, their movements and the gait, which had “inhuman” specificity, seemed lethargic. They are understood when they were offered signs to walk or stand. In the medical center they allowed them to pull off their tight clothes. Only once when a syringe was inserted into one of them in order to take blood, he showed aggression, issued a loud squeak and pushed the man away from him. After inspection, the “overalls” were returned to the aliens. There in the medical center, it turned out that one of the aliens was seriously injured. Soon, both aliens, along with their ship, were transported to the United States to Wright Patterson’s secret base. On this information provided South African officer, exhausted. On the fate of the future aliens we can judge by the short texts that accompanied film. The fate of the co-pilot Wounded upon arrival in the United States the pilot is dead. The film shows a small fragment of about 3 minutes autopsy procedures of his body. The alien’s skin was thick and had a porous structure similar to a mesh filter. With cuts from it greenish mucus came out. The internal organs had nothing similar to human organs. No liver, no kidneys, no stomach, but the body had a lot of mucus and arteries. IN the accompanying text says that the creature in question is nature, apparently, closer to the plant world than to the animal. This is indirectly confirmed by survivor observations. the pilot. He did not take any food, moved slowly, his the gait was getting harder. A month later, it was already possible to him come closer without a spacesuit – apparently exhausted internal resources did not allow him to influence people. Though, perhaps he no longer saw the need for it. With him tried to make contact. They showed the spacecraft of earthlings, UFO images, but he showed no interest in anything. With him psychologists worked, trying to somehow “stir up” him. All it was useless. About the device of an extraterrestrial ship in the film, nothing not reported, it was only said that his equipment was completely incapacitated. When an alien was allowed to enter it, he immediately headed for the installation, responsible for what is supposed to be lighting. His attempts to launch it to no avail. Then it has been speculated that light is the basis of its nutrition. it indirectly confirmed by a large amount in his body a substance similar to chlorophyll. Perhaps an alien organism recycles light energy through photosynthesis. Earthly the sun was clearly not good for him. It did not produce the light that required for his life. Much better alien felt under the light of fluorescent lamps. After a long being beneath them he was somewhat animated. But it was still visible that this light is not the one that he needs. The right light before the accident was on the ship, allowing pilots to carry out long-range space flights, but now the light installation did not work, and this posed a serious problem for both the alien and the people. Slept an alien with open eyes. He preferred to do it in the light, pulling your knees up to your head. After many hours of lying, he went to wander around the open spaces for him. On films with landscapes of the Earth and other planets did not react, but turned around on people if they went out to meet him. However never to them did not show real interest. Judging by the closing credits, this alien died in September 1989. Featured film produced the viewers are shocking. It was impossible to believe that it’s a fake. After all, if this is a fake, then why did it take show her scientific audience, while requiring non-disclosure? Now we have to wait for the film to appear in a mass show. IN it’s difficult to conceal such secrets today, the “leak” must to happen sooner or later. And then the U.S. military probably questions will be asked about these aliens, and about much more, still hidden at their secret bases and related to the most burning secret of our time – unidentified flying objects.
Africa US Time