UFO in Poland

UFO in PolandPhotos from open sources of

Mariusz Kowalski, ufologist from the city of Olsztyn, the voivodship center in northeast Poland, collects information about UFO sightings on The province has been almost 15 years old. He recently shared his information with the editors of the Czas UFO magazine published in Krakow (“UFO Time”), on the pages of which it was told about the most interesting cases from the Kowalski collection. With the permission of the publisher magazine we introduce them to our readers. Village of the Year, Olsztyn Voivodeship, beginning of July 1986 Around 18:00 four guys were returning from Wadong Lake, from fishing. All of a sudden in the middle of the road, their car’s engine stalled. Everything was in serviceability, but it was again not possible to start it again. One of anglers looked at the sky and saw ahead in front of a field not far from the village is an unusual white-gray rounded cloud that quickly went up. After a few seconds, the engine suddenly earned, and the company moved on. Having reached the village, guys decided to go to the place over which they saw a mysterious cloud. When they arrived there, they saw a strange object above the ground, looking like a giant spinning top spinning around its axis. By circles of a top in round windows multicolored lights shone. The outlandish spectacle lasted about five minutes, then the object suddenly disappeared, and shortly afterwards one of the guys saw high in cloudless sky a large bright star, quickly moving away from them in side of the horizon. Olsztyn, October or November 1992 An elderly gentleman living in Nagurki – one of the city’s bedrooms areas, about 23.00 brought a dog for a walk. He walked his usual route, along the path leading to the top of a high hill. Night the sky was clear and starry, a strong wind blew. Climbing the hill mister saw in the sky, over the horizon, a bright source light that was rapidly approaching him from the west. After a few for moments he was already nearby, and motionlessly hovered almost over head. It was a brightly glowing UFO, like a huge loaf sausages bluish-purple, as if surrounded by a sparkling haze, the color of which gradually changed from yellow to red. The object hung like that for 20-30 seconds, then a yellow-red haze around he disappeared, his blue-violet light became even brighter and became flicker intensely, and then the UFO quickly retired to the south direction and disappeared over the horizon. Mysterious object did not publish no sounds, and, strange thing, while he was in sight man, the wind completely stopped blowing, and the dog kept leading all this time yourself very restless. Olsztyn, winter 1992-1993 Residents one of the houses on Vyzvoleniya street at about 22.30 was observed a UFO window, flying slowly from east to west at a low altitude, almost over the roofs. In shape it resembled a huge melon, laid on its side, and on its surface periodically light up and three lights went out – blue, red and green. When the last of the lights extinguished, a wide beam appeared from the bottom of the object violet-golden light. All this was watched by residents until a UFO hid behind a forest on the banks of Lake Dlugego. Village Glitainy, Olsztyn Voivodeship, July 11, 1995 Around 8 p.m. during sunset, four eyewitnesses observed the appearance in the northeastern part of the cloudless sky of five white squares, located in a horizontal row “ladder” in the middle of each the square was a black speck. Then to the right of the squares there was an even horizontal chain of eleven orange circles with black concentric circles in the center. Side length the square and diameter of the circles were approximately the same. When the sun began to go beyond the horizon, the color of the circles changed from orange to red. The next step was the appearance of black circles to the right of dash, stretching a long line to the horizon. Length each dash was equal to the diameter of the circles. Dashes appeared sequentially, one after another, and when they appear to eyewitnesses there was a sense of fear, which as the number increases the dash intensified. At about 9 p.m. all these figures started fade and blur, became less visible until completely disappeared. Olsztyn, July 1996 At 22.00 residents of the houses, standing near the forest in one of the sleeping areas cities observed luminous spherical UFO orange-red colors. For half a minute he hung motionless over the roofs at a height of about 600 meters, periodically changing the brightness of the glow, and its color when this became lighter, then darker. The UFO emitted a buzz which is heard near a high voltage power line. Then the object flew, gradually declining, in a westerly direction and hid in the forest of Olsztyn, April 2, 1997. A story about this. case Mariusz Kowalski wrote from the words of a local teenager: “It was about half past nine in the evening. My girlfriend and I were swinging on a swing on a playground in the courtyard of house number six on the street Boeing. Chatted about this and that, looked at the stars and the comet Hale-Bopp, which was especially clearly visible that evening. All of a sudden I noticed that one of the stars began to move in a circle, and then flew down. A few seconds passed, and a UFO appeared over the house. is he resembled a huge acorn of silver-gray color. On the sides “acorn” on both sides had lighter silvery bulges, and in addition, on its entire surface there were many details of different sizes and shapes. UFO flew straight and very slowly at an altitude of about 50 meters. We did not hear any sound from him. When he hid behind a neighboring house, my friend and I ran for this house, but the “acorn” there was no longer From the moment a UFO appeared and until it disappeared probably fifteen seconds have passed. “Forestry” Nove Ramuki “, May 24, 1997 Between 2.00 and 3.00 a certain person who asked not disclose her name, walked along a forest road from the village of Zazdroshch to the village of Bartong, which are located five kilometers from each friend. The night was clear, starry, a full moon shone in the sky. After walking about half the way, the lady suddenly noticed in the sky sparkling bright yellow object. He had the appearance of a ball surrounded by ring, reminded the planet Saturn and was half as large as the disk the moon. UFO flew east, it moved rather slowly, in zigzags every now and then sharply changing the direction of movement. About after half a minute the object disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. Olsztyn, August 9, 1997 Around 23.00 a group of young men I saw in the sky near the airfield of the flying club in Daitki (suburb of Olsztyn) a disk-shaped UFO of a dark color, along the contour which evenly spaced four brightly glowing lights: white, green, yellow and red. The brightness of all four lights periodically gradually decreased, and then increased equally smoothly. UFO flew quickly and, retiring a fairly large distance, became visible as a big, bright star Further UFO flew in an arc, then stopped on the spot, and another one appeared near it luminous dot, for two seconds they both hung motionless, and then already together they continued their flight along the arc and soon disappeared from sight.

Time Moon Poland Dogs Sun

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