Photos from open sources Among many pilots met with UFOs, although most prefer about keep quiet so as not to cause ridicule from his colleagues, but maybe even worse, losing a good job.
That’s Andrew Danziger (Andrew Danziger) – the pilot of the plane, on which the future president of the USA flew during the election campaign Obama, for a long time was silent about such a meeting. But now come other times, and even years, allow him not to be afraid of ridicule and especially dismissal.
It happened, he told NY Daily News, in those distant years, when I flew in one regional company. That beautiful evening we flew from Kansas City and to Waterloo. Below us is a soft carpet in silver moonlight “swayed” clouds. And nothing foreshadowed nothing dangerous.
A photo from open sources
Suddenly on the border of these clouds Andrew noticed a strange white disk-shaped object. He immediately informed the commander of this. But the captain could not identify the aircraft. UFO chased the plane for almost half an hour, and then suddenly turned into huge fireball so the pilots were even scared for the safety of your air liner.
But the fireball flew in parallel, causing no plane harm, and when he went to land, a ball of fire as if dissolved in the clouds. At the airport, dispatchers are perplexed at pilots’ questions answered that on radars there was nothing like that except aircraft, they did not see.
Here is such an interesting meeting with UFOs. And how many are not yet narrated or long lost in not imperfect human memory.
Barack Obama Time Life Aircraft