UFO: Mysterious Warnings

A photo open source question what causes the appearance on Earth of unidentified flying objects, for many years excites researchers of this phenomenon. Elementary curiosity? The study of the processes of life on our planet? Or still the cosmic mind sends earthlings some warnings that we are not able to decrypt yet? Wars and disasters There is a lot of real evidence that the mysterious objects in the sky appeared at different times over large battles or tests of new weapons. So, in a number of documents Japanese General Staff mentions the appearance over the sea on the eve of the Tsushima battle at the end of May 1905 four spherical luminous objects. This caused quite a stir among the Japanese military. On the evening of February 13, 1945, before the infamous bombing of the Allied German Air Force Dresden, a silver disc appeared over the city, which several times unsuccessfully tried to bring down air defense batteries. After at night the object began to give flashing light signals. With the approach to Dresden, the first wave of British and American bombers – disappeared. A lot of trouble for the Soviet military brought the appearance of UFOs in the 50s of the last century over Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. Characteristic feature of these phenomena was that mysterious objects about which immediately reported to Moscow, arose over the site of a future explosion just before laying the charge into the mine. In the archives documents have been preserved indicating that in some cases intruders even tried to interfere with the trials. September 12, 1959 years at 8:32 local time twenty meters above the surface Earth in a square No. 54 appeared a ball of smoky color. After three minutes the command to detonate the charge passed, but there was no explosion. Only on the third attempt was it possible to establish remote contact with nuclear warhead … UFOs often occur in a few hours or even minutes before a man-made disaster. Novosibirsk resident Andrei Pracht, traveling by train in early June 1989 Novosibirsk – Adler, at night I saw spiral in the car window, meter three in length and about half a meter in diameter, a luminous object, following a parallel line ten meters from him. IN for half an hour, the mysterious spiral was approaching the train, now moved away from him, after which, soaring upward, disappeared. And also ten minutes later, a terrible explosion accumulated at the railway gas canvases scattered on the Ulu-Telyak – Asha section of the train Novosibirsk – Adler and Adler – Novosibirsk. Circles, lines, shapes Usually eyewitnesses associate the appearance of a UFO and the next behind this tragedy after the event. However, in some cases, signs, supplied by space aliens are puzzled by ufologists, which, understanding the long-term prospect of their implementation, do not have Opportunities to unravel the warning. These signs include discovered in the spring of 1990 at the bottom of the Aral Sea and along its giant shores – up to 15 meters wide and up to 1,500 meters long – lines, directed from south to north and having clearly artificial origin. Enthusiastic scientists who have studied them for 3 years, came to the conclusion that the level of development of terrestrial technologies did not allow would a person portray such signs. In addition, it was found that the geoglyphs have a rigorous mathematical dependence on geographical coordinates – latitude and longitude, which pushed scientists to the idea of ​​the presence in the lines of a certain hidden a cipher, possibly containing important information for earthlings. ABOUT that the world-famous drawings of the Nazca desert also have extraterrestrial origin, in 2002 German scientists concluded. In particular, mathematician and astronomer M. Reiche stated: giant Nazca figures – the trace of the “drawing” ray, and the desert itself represents an incredible sized drawing board on which graphic The method presents a mathematical model of the universe. Two years later in connection with the published statement of Z. Sitchin regarding Earth’s alleged contact with the mysterious planet Nibiru Western scholars have suggested that millennia ago in the Nazca desert aliens were encrypted the algorithm of actions of the inhabitants of the Earth in the expected situation … The most widely discussed in the press and academia are figures mysteriously arising over the last four decades in the fields in the UK, USA, Austria, Hungary and Ukraine. Their configuration and size are striking in their diversity, causing a lot of controversy regarding the purpose of these mysterious signs. Going to contact Very interesting information about unusual crop shapes are contained in The Coming of Tan American contact writer Martin Reilly, released in 1995 year. At home, M. Reilly is known for the fact that, in his allegedly from the age of seven communicates with an alien named Tan living on the planet Bayev in the constellation Taurus. According to information alien guest causing great resonance in society drawings created by representatives of their civilization. With their help, the residents of Bayevo try to warn earthlings from contacts with reptilians humanoids from the constellation Pleiades that are in the space community are called targs. In particular, this has been done by a lot of noise. in 1993 a gigantic drawing of a humanoid creature with big slanting eyes and intricate figures inside, appeared on a wheat field in Hampshire in the UK. If you decrypt it verbatim, you can get the following phrase: “Fear of giving false gifts and their broken promises. We opposing lies and deceit “… A series of telepathic contacts with representatives of the planet Aumta unknown yet modern astronomers of the constellation Trigava in the period from 2004 to 2007 occurred with American journalist Linda Howe. According to her, the Amutites warned that they arrived on a planet of people on behalf of Top management for large-scale rescue training operations. The signal of its beginning for humanity should be mass arrival to Earth of rescue modules, the number of which will be in the hundreds of thousands … In March 2012 on the Internet a curious message appeared Rostov blogger who claimed to have filmed hundreds of invisible unarmed cameras eye of spherical objects the size of a tennis ball, which, emerging from behind a cloud, literally stuck roofs of houses and lines power transmission in a small village near Rostov. How to know perhaps this phenomenon is the beginning of the promised in the middle two thousand years of rescue operation … Space cautions Since 1957, when humanity began explore the near space, a lot of evidence has accumulated increased attention of representatives of the alien mind to space objects of earthlings. The secret archives of the USSR contain information that only the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, held on October 4, 1957, passed without any excesses. A month later, the Soviet Sputnik-2 on throughout its flight was accompanied by a mysterious object, what was recorded by domestic and Venezuelan telescopes. In 1964, Argentinean astronomers were able to see how a certain huge aircraft at an altitude of more than a thousand kilometers did dangerous maneuvers around the American satellite Echo-2, as if trying to ram him. A lot of cryptic warning signals was obtained by astronauts during a US program on moon exploration. Despite successful from an official point of view flights of ships to the satellite of the Earth, in 1972, NASA without any explanations curtailed the program that cost the American taxpayers colossal financial costs. Many of Soviet and Russian cosmonauts admitted that not only they saw strange objects in the windows of the stations that accompanied ships, but also heard mysterious sounds like knocking and whispering. An unknown voice began to say that earthlings are too early left their cozy cradle and rushed into the big and dangerous for they are the world of space … Perhaps, recently, the Higher Mind, on throughout the history of mankind closely watching our development, intensified its attempts to warn against rash acts of people whose pride and overconfidence in their own capabilities threaten to break the harmony of the universe.

UK Time Universe Geoglyphs USA

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