UFO: recent events

UFO: recent eventsA photo from open sources

There is nothing more surprising than UFOs and aliens. it the opinion of people who lived in the second half of the last century. And earlier people attributed all such phenomena to either divine nature, or nature of the devil. Newspapers wrote little about it, and witnesses to such They tried to keep silent.

Today, ufological topics on the Internet, though quite popular, but constantly demanding something fresh and really surprising, because it has been said and shown about it already so many…

UFO again near the sun

Therefore, strange objects near the Sun, completely unlike The luminaries’ natural coronal emissions do not just surprise, but while even shocking many web users. For example, famous researcher of all the paranormal in our world, including in space, Scott Waring can be said to have prepared for his fans of the new little sensation.

He discovered how unmatched in his figured form A UFO flies out of the sun at great speed. Moreover, the dimensions of this alien spaceships are commensurate with Jupiter, why, on the one hand, you can even doubt the reality of this event, but on the other – recognize that this is the largest UFO flying or spinning near our sun. And there are already a lot of those recorded, and all sorts of shapes, from cube to umbrella, why talk about some natural phenomena are simply not necessary.

At the same time, the Taiwanese ufologist specifies that the UFO flew out of the Sun with the speed of light or close to it.

UFO appears on the screen during a live news broadcast in Argentina

Another intriguing highlight of modernity are UFOs, which suddenly appear on TVs when there is a live broadcast. Most often this is shown by TV news channels, since it’s they use live broadcasts from the scene.

Something similar happened the other day in Argentina, a news channel metropolitan television was forced to interrupt the broadcast when in the camera lens of the operators hit an unidentified flying object, hovering over buenos aires.

So far no one has given an official explanation of what happened, this is it’s clear, but on the Internet, where videos from “places of events”, a debate flared up immediately: what is it? Almost all users of the World Wide Web agreed that this could not be a drone, weather probe or some kind of military earth aircraft. Moreover, why are TV people all of a sudden worried …

UFO appears on the screen during a live news broadcast in Argentina

Another intriguing highlight of modernity are UFOs, which suddenly appear on TVs when there is a live broadcast. Most often this is shown by TV news channels, since it’s they use live broadcasts from the scene.

Something similar happened the other day in Argentina, a news channel metropolitan television was forced to interrupt the broadcast when in the camera lens of the operators hit an unidentified flying object, hovering over buenos aires.

So far no one has given an official explanation of what happened, this is it’s clear, but on the Internet, where videos from “places of events”, a debate flared up immediately: what is it? Almost all users of the World Wide Web agreed that this could not be a drone, weather probe or some kind of military earth aircraft. Moreover, why are TV people all of a sudden worried …

Scott Waring Sun

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