Photos from open sources of
A resident of the American city of Colfax, which is located on southeastern Washington, drove on Monday, March 27, near a local wind farm and unexpectedly noticed an unidentified flying object soaring low over wind installations. An eyewitness notes that in fact a UFO could be two, however, they flew in a kind of tandem, tightly touching together.
According to an eyewitness, he had almost never been near Kolfakskaya wind farm, therefore, being here a few days back, stopped my car on the side of the road and decided to shoot rotating windmills through a car windshield – their appearance impressed American. The driver did not even suspect that his lens the phone will fall, presumably, a pair of “flying saucers”, and even and in broad daylight amid such a picturesque landscape.
The author of the video below writes: “I stopped to to take video wind turbines on a smartphone. The weather was warm on the sky was full of clouds. Wonderful picture, at least take pictures and hang in a frame on the wall. But when I started shooting and brought (increased) windmills on the gadget, then I noticed on the screen some strange dark object. I have poor eyesight, so I almost do not discerned this thing in the sky, but on the phone it with increasing was clearly visible. I suddenly felt an inexplicable fit panic, my heart was beating fast, and I hastened to leave. ”
A photo from open sources
Returning home, the witness threw the received video on computer and carefully examined the unidentified flying object. According to the man, it could not be air balloon, weather balloon, paraglider or helicopter. Specialists from ufological Mutual UFO Network, to which the American sent his unique material, confirmed that speech, with almost one hundred percent a guarantee, it’s about an alien aircraft.
But why did the “flying saucer” appear here? Is it really her attracted exactly wind turbines? Maybe the aliens cause curiosity progress earthlings in the development of alternative energy sources? No wonder many ufologists believe that representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations are interested in development humanity and saving us from self-destruction. And the rejection of fossil fuels and the transition to clean energy is just one of the most important steps towards achieving these goals.
The American himself was surprised in this situation by something else – his UFO reaction. By nature, the man says, I’m far from timid ten, and here it was like someone who replaced me, inspired fear and even horror. As ufologists later explained to him, this often happens to people, observing unidentified flying objects: apparently aliens somehow can affect the consciousness of those who fall into their field of vision attention. So it’s still not clear who is behind whom in this case watching …