Photo from open sources
According to ufologists, over the past year, UFO activity has increased. Many people have witnessed the appearance of disc-shaped objects the forms that landed, hovered, emitted rays, or just glowed. For example, Brazil and Namibia fell from the sky metal balls. That these are alien gifts, researchers of abnormal phenomena have no doubt. But scientists do not believe into this “hello” from space, although they do not deny that in the universe there may be other civilizations. In 2012, space satellites found more than 100 candidates for the planet, which in their own way similar in size to Earth. Moreover, some of these planets really enter the “habitable zone” – the temperature on them ranges from about minus 50 to plus 30 degrees Celsius. it means that there may be water on the surface – the main element earthly life. But do not flatter yourself. Meeting with aliens will not happen soon. Nearest planet that is most similar to Earth, located near the star of Tau Ceti far from the solar system.