UFO sightings hit record high marks

The number of UFO sightings reached a record highPhoto from open sources

Since 1905, when earthlings were first officially “flying saucer”, unidentified flying objects were observed by us 104947 times. And this is only according to the information US National UFO Reporting Center.

Many ufologists are convinced that in fact the number of such there should be many more cases, since not everyone witness of the appearance of an alien ship reports this in any official organizations. Quite the contrary, all this spontaneously spreads over the Internet and the media. Or just stays on information carriers of earthlings, not to mention those frequent cases that are only remembered …

In the nineties of the last century in all corners of the Earth annually noticed about 10 thousand unidentified objects in the sky, and today this figure is already more than 45 thousand. Why is that going on? Really representatives of alien civilizations have become visit us more often? Then the reasonable question arises – why? Or, perhaps all technical progress is to blame, and nowadays, when almost every person has a mobile phone with camcorder, fix UFO has become much easier? We will not also forget about the World Wide Web, which allows you to easily share with the world your materials about meeting with “flying plate. “These are the technical capabilities, as well as the lack of fear of UFOs in modern man, it seems, and affect statistics.

A photo from open sources

National UFO Reporting Center, located at the American city of Davenport Washington State was founded in 1974 year. The employees of the organization managed to find, presumably, the very first official mention of flying plates. “According to the Americans, it happened in 1905 in Portland According to an eyewitness, a buzzing spherical object came down from the clouds and flew off to the side somewhere, moving at the same time relatively low above ground.

Where are the Russian UFO statistics?

After that, unidentified flying objects began to notice (or formally) in different parts of America, and then in other states. Noteworthy that the united states are the undisputed leader in the number of meetings with aircraft aliens. According to statistics, in the US “flying saucers” appear three hundred times more often than in the next country on the list this rating! True, experts suggest what is happening this is for the following reason: in America there are a number of ufological organizations that, engaged in relevant research, most interested in cases of UFO sightings on their homeland.

A photo from open sources

Meanwhile, at the National Center for UFO Reporting, for example, for several years no information appeared about unidentified flying objects registered in Russia. As you might guess, all the fact is that our compatriots just do not see the point report something to the Americans. Perhaps the best option for we would be creating our own registry of UFO sightings in Of the Russian Federation, and its international recognition, presumably, will happen by itself. And very fast …

Russia USA

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