UFO spotted over Lake Arizona

UFO spotted over Lake ArizonaPhotos from open sources of

The other day on the popular video hosting “YouTube” appeared one and a half minute video on which an unidentified flying object.

According to the author, the recording was made the day before in American Arizona State over the famous Lake Havasu. Flying saucer slowly descends to where, according to the operator, is vast body of water. In this regard, many commentators have come to conclude that the alleged alien ship decided either plunge into the lake, or somehow interact with it surface – for example, pump out a certain amount of water from it, which for UFO is quite characteristic.

Wishing to remain anonymous, the author of the video claims that an unidentified object changed its color several times. However he was far away, and the recording quality from a smartphone, as you know, lower compared to a full-fledged camera, so the change on the roller Unfortunately, the colors of the flying saucer are invisible. UFO video glows in white. He appears from behind dark thunderclouds, descends in a strict vertical line down, then disappears beyond nearby houses.

Enthusiastic cameraman and his friends continuously comment the appearance of a mysterious object, letting go of jokes and even obscene to put it, they are so excited about what they saw.

Employees of the nearest meteorological service, to which ufologists asked for advice, reported that no weather anomalies in that day near Lake Havasu was not observed. For example, on a ball lightning an unidentified flying object is definitely not like.

It is noteworthy that the appearance of a flying saucer at that moment even employees of one local publication told. True, nevertheless, the journalists preferred to write that, most likely, this is not intergalactic ship of representatives of a certain extraterrestrial civilization, and some unmanned balloon or ordinary signal rocket. Here is an amazingly original version!

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