A photo from open sources This intriguing video was shot by a camera constant monitoring. The camera catches everything that passes between it and The moon, from birds, planes to UFO flotillas. Place of observation – Moon surface Observation time – April 21, 2014 Camera – http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tree0fmight
A photo from open sources
Look at the increase above. These UFOs are moving faster than any bird, balloon or plane. Not even a jet plane could catch these UFOs. They have no wings, tails, no exhausts, nothing but long dark objects. This camera is very a useful tool for those who want to “catch” a UFO, but you you need to make a video, otherwise you will miss what you interested, writes the author of UFO Diaries. Darkskywatcher74 from Youtube States: In the UFO mania issue, material is presented during the first 9 minutes. This night was amazing to watch.
Moon Birds Aircraft