Photo from open source / ISS Camera
Famous ufologist and virtual archaeologist Scott Waring again shared his next space find. This time he spotted in an NASA camera an unidentified flying object that synchronously walked next to the International Space Station.
Waring says that while he was watching NASA camera, she suddenly began to approach the incomprehensible the object that came out from under the ISS. Original ufologist decided it was a satellite or some kind of research capsule, however, the ufologist was very surprised when he saw that the mysterious object sharply gained speed and sped off into space.
If it were a capsule, says Waring, then it should have been reduce speed and go into low orbit, but this did not happen. The object abruptly went into outer space. As it appears, According to the researcher, this object has nothing to do with the work of the astronauts, since the operator’s voice overs were too alarmed.
Further, the ufologist describes the shape of the object, which, according to him, looks like an ice cream cone.
UFO for 22 minutes was synchronous with the ISS, and at this time the operator says something about replacing the battery, but about the facility near station there is not a word.
Currently, NASA can not explain the origin unidentified flying object near the ISS. The ufologist does not exclude that this may be one of the military’s developments.
NASA ISS Scott Waring Time