Ufologist Bob Lazar believes that people are created extraterrestrial civilizations for data storage

Ufologist Bob Lazar believes that humans are created by extraterrestrial civilizations to store data.A photo from open sources

Ufologists often argue about why aliens created people, because today it’s no secret to anyone that humanity arose somehow very strange, as if “jumping out” of a test tube, and all evolutionary theories are broken down into undeniable facts, contrary to Darwin’s theory.

Some researchers believe that the Earth is a park entertainment for aliens, someone believes that people need an alien race as a valuable biological material, and so Further. Ufologist Bob Lazar on the American TV show Larry King (see video below) voiced another look at this problem, and this look literally shocked the audience.

According to the famous ufologist, people for aliens are just very convenient storage devices. The fact is that DNA is the most optimal information carrier, with a certain quantum technology, which aliens probably possess, on the genocode a person can write trillions of gigabytes of information, or even more. And it may seem absurd only from the first sight.

  • First, human DNA (unlike other animals on Earth), as scientists have long determined, up to 95 percent is clogged with “garbage,” that is, information that a person does not need and does not play in his life no role. But what is it then?
  • Secondly, a person, unlike even the most reliable (with our point of view) of the information carrier, say, of a heavy-duty plate or something else that, if not the elements, then time will kill, are a self-reproducing and copying “book of knowledge”, transmitting DNA records from generation to generation.
  • Moreover, a person, as an information carrier, himself takes care of his safety, doing everything possible so that nothing not gone anywhere.

A photo from open sources

Despite the shocking “absurdity” of this statement with Bob Lazar’s side, facts, as the most stubborn thing, confirm his views. Our DNA is actually 95 percent clogged unknown to us “garbage”, and our brain is completely 98 percent “packed” with obviously extra cells (again from our point of view). Man can even use muscle tissue at best. 25 percent, and therefore almost any animal commensurate with a man several times stronger than him.

These few percent of the resources used by man physical body is enough for maintenance and storage data unknown to us, and if this is nevertheless allowed, then all falls into place. As the fact of kidnapping is easily explained aliens (to read or write new information).

So Bob Lazar’s theory, despite its fantastic nature, not so absurd, especially when you consider what she explains much that is happening to us is better than all other views on the origin of man and his relationship with aliens.


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