Ufologists – at a loss, scientists – at confusion, the military – in secret silence

Ufologists - at a loss, scientists - at a loss, the military - in secret silenceA photo from open sources

What portends us, earthlings, increased UFO activity last time? From dozens of different places on the planet reports of aircraft of non-terrestrial origin, moreover increasingly they are seen in flying groups.

For example, at the end of September, California appeared at all over California. something outrageous – hundreds of strange luminous objects. They are moved in the sky completely along an arbitrary trajectory, why one could judge that these are not terrestrial aircraft, not drones. Yes, and they were not balloons, because if increase the captured frames of the video, you can clearly see it mismatch.

In a word, another mystery about which ufologists say nothing really can’t, scientists are completely at a loss, and the military, like always, keep secret silence.

Today it’s no secret to any sensible earthling, that we are under close surveillance of alien races. The question is different: when they appeared on our planet, how did they influence on the development of modern civilization, and possibly of all of humanity generally?

In the new documentary project “First UFOs” you will learn interesting facts not only about when humanity first talked about the appearance of fantastic flying objects, but also how aliens intervene and change earthly life.

By the way, today military secrets about cooperation with aliens of governments of various countries of the world, for example, the USA. More recently, it became known what is cooperation in terms of developing the latest weapons carries out India.

It turns out that the contact with aliens, about which they continue It’s naive to dream astronomers searching in vain extraterrestrial intelligence in space, long held. Moreover, aliens actively intervened and still interfere in our lives. And even all our earthly gods are nothing more than a presence on Earth more developed beings that humanity has always endowed with a halo of the divine.

True, our attitude towards this has recently changed. phenomenon. If in ancient times people prostrated themselves and began to pray at in the form of a UFO, then a modern person just grabs onto a mobile phone either camcorder and begins to shoot it all …

Life time

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