Photos from open sources of
Despite the fact that information about UFOs and aliens on the web the internet is getting bigger and bigger some researchers believe that there are no aliens on Earth. How so?
From the point of view of these scientists, aliens once visited our blue ball and even lived among people, taught them a lot, and perhaps they even created a terrestrial race through genetic engineering. There are many testimonies to this. That’s what the resource writes about it ToDay News Ufa:
Admire, for example, statues in Polynesia, which do not less than seven thousand years. The serpentine statues of Nuku Hiva are clearly depict aliens. And the Ubeid figurines, which also look, how are reptilian aliens? By the way, they are also seven thousand years old. Similar cultural traces, and there are many of them on Earth, indicate that in those old times people have been in close contact with aliens, most likely lived with them side by side.
But it passed, and today, according to employees of the same resource ToDay News Ufa, there are no aliens on Earth. Researchers believe that our planet was deadly for aliens. Remember Herbert Wells novel “War of the Worlds”, in which the perspicacious science fiction writer describes the cause of death of Martians who decided colonize the Earth – they were killed by viruses and bacteria. Quite it’s possible that real aliens who flew to our a planet from distant stellar systems even with the kindest intentions, did not spare these rulers of the Earth – microorganisms.
However, what about the UFO and the aliens that they see meet in our time? Moreover, this is not the invention of some patients people, today ufology and exopolitics have already become so the reality of our being that these sciences, for example, in Newhwbb already taught at universities.
A photo from open sources
But there is no contradiction here. According to the above theory ufologists, alien ships are certainly present on Earth and generally in our solar system, but they are controlled, most likely, biorobots, which we take for aliens. Probably by therefore, these “humanoids” are so omnipotent and at the same time so as impassive as robots should be. The aliens themselves on Earth there, according to researchers, but because UFOs and aliens are different concepts. Moreover, we don’t even know will living representatives of alien races ever come to us will they come into contact with us again?
But … judging by the fact that aliens continue to watch us, contact in the future will definitely take place with them. They’re just something waiting, maybe our growing up, maybe they need a certain stage of development of our planet. In any case, we this is not given to know …
Here is a theory that, of course, cannot pretend to be absolute truth. Some conspiracy theorists categorically reject her, because, according to their theory, there are several races of aliens, and some of them are reptilians, which are constantly interfere in our lives, and with the most unkind intentions. AND for some reason no bacteria of these reptiles kill …
Time Reptilians