UFOs continue to fly over Mexico: not to good

UFO Continues to Fly Over Mexico: Not GoodPhoto from open sources As ufologists say, aliens are always here like here, when something extraordinary happens on Earth, for example, something catastrophic. Today’s natural disasters on the American continent they attract UFOs like a magnet.

For example, during the peak state of an earthquake in Mexico over the destroyed houses that were filmed by local operators television, suddenly appeared “flying saucers”, which, do not be there are television people here, no one would have noticed: it was not before that.

And again, UFOs were spotted over Mexico, now of enormous size and heavy triangular shape. Such keen interest in this country not accidental, since, according to seismologists, a lot factors that indicate the possibility of a recurring creepy natural scenario, only in an even more destructive form. For example, “” indicates that volcanic gases are ready here – here again shake the earth.

UFO “curiosity” may also be indirect evidence looming on Mexico, and then on the USA, new natural cataclysms.

However, not all Internet users agree with this. Many people think that videos with flying saucers specially thrown in to scare the inhabitants of America, to sow panic among the population. To this end, according to conspiracy theorists, now a lot is being done by the American deep state, which, apparently, set the task to destroy most of the population of this continent. For what? It’s up to us you don’t understand the end anyway …

Therefore, a UFO over Mexico may well be the most common fake, although mounted at a high level, television people could also “paint” UFOs in their report – technically this is completely not hard.

Well, if it’s all the same aliens? ..


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