UFOs helped Americans create superweapon

UFOs helped Americans create a superweaponA photo from open sources

Leading scientific expert of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the problem abnormal aerospace phenomena Colonel Alexander Plaksin believes the US has become a superpower because it has studied “flying plates “… – Alexander Alexandrovich, we argue: when readers will see what the article is about, many will grimace and will not read? To all of us have been vaccinated against a UFO. I’m sure that tomorrow we will land on Krasnaya aliens square, about a month will have to prove that it is not joke. Is the “yellow” press blaming all blame a problem? – Not only. Also the FBI and the US CIA. – And you there too ?! – But this true. There is a Bruce Maccabi documentary “UFO and FBI “, which shows how the special services misinformed public. They reduced all abnormalities to one hypothesis: this is de aliens. Fanned hysteria. And then launched a campaign in the press about the futility of scientific UFO research. By the way, the FBI’s instruction regarding the work of public services that studied UFOs: “Inform the public only fiction and jokes, and omit important results and technical details. ” This was done with a distant sight. Since the late seventies scientists in the USSR studied abnormal phenomena. The Americans got worried. They started back in the forties. And to not to lose primacy, began to discredit the idea. I will say more: many modern American achievements military-industrial complex hails from laboratories researching abnormal phenomena. And if we had not thrown this important topic into early nineties, Americans today could not get out of ABM Treaty! New weapons worse than nuclear

– It turns out that enthusiasts who claim that Americans are right got their stealth technology straight from the green men? -No, alien knowledge has nothing to do with it. – So, not aliens fly over us? Please note: I ask with a sinking heart … – Oh well. No need to suffer so much. Maybe they are somewhere. But I’m for fifteen years of work on the UFO problem has not received a single direct evidence that other civilizations are operating on Earth! – sad all this … – The study of abnormal phenomena helps not so much in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, how many in the development of the latest military technology. The Americans did this longer than us – they took off cream. Back in August 1954, the U.S. Air Force received instructions for number 200-2 on the organization of observations and the collection of reports of UFOs. FROM 1974 in the United States there is a research center for the study of abnormal phenomena and UFOs with a special ground station. The result is obvious. A superweapon has already been created in the States. – some giant laser? – Not. In 1997, commissioned in Alaska HAARP electronic station with a powerful emitting system. Imagine 180 antennas on a field with a total area of ​​13 hectares! – and what is it? – The Pentagon says it’s a research station. But civil scientists are not allowed on it, and there are evidence that the Americans built a powerful geophysical weapons, the consequences, the use of which they themselves do not even know. -Why? – Because they have not yet cut it to the fullest. They are afraid. Imagine: installation power – three and a half million watts. Antennas allow you to focus the shortwave radiation on the ionosphere and heat it to form high temperature plasma. It turns out a kind of global microwave. It’s easy to roast rockets in it, launched from the territory of Russia in the United States. At the same time, radio communication is broken on a vast territory. But no one calculated all the consequences applying this thing to the ecology of the planet. System developer himself Bernard Estlund admits that you can change a rose with HAARP winds, affect the weather. Experts believe that possible unpredictable reactions of the planet’s magnetic field until the change magnetic poles. Droughts and floods, failures and accidents in power grids entire regions, the simultaneous eruption of dozens of volcanoes throughout the world … It will be stronger than the atomic bomb. Using HAARP States will be able to bring the economy of the whole to its knees in a few years state, and no one will understand anything! – Something is not right for me … – And it will become even worse if you remember that in a month the Treaty on ABM ceases to exist, and the States will be able to openly experience HAARP! Many Russian military analysts have the opinion that it is this system in Alaska that will become a key component of NMD USA.

How the Kremlin caught UFOs

“And all these horror stories are because the Americans were watching “flying saucers”? – Undoubtedly! In the USSR, such work began only after the “Petrozavodsk phenomenon” on September 20, 1977 when to deny the existence of anomalous phenomena was no longer possible. In addition all Scandinavian countries bordering the Soviet Union in the north, they threw notes at our Foreign Ministry: what new weapons are testing Soviet Union? Therefore, in October of that year, the Kremlin held historical meeting of the scientific and technical council Military Industrial Commission chaired by General B.A. Kiyasova. It was decided to include the study of abnormal phenomena in national defense research plan topics for 1978. In the same year under the military Central Research Institute-22 was Our laboratory for the study of abnormal phenomena has been created. I came to it in 1979 as a junior research fellow and for one and a half for ten years became its boss, until in 1991 we were disbanded due to funding problems. All these years to us information was flowing from the fleet, border guards, the Air Force, air defense, and so on. Various specialists worked for us: radio electronics, geophysicists, Doctors, astronomers, astrophysicists … – Have you seen many “plates”? – I I personally never met one. But over the years we have received more than two thousand reports of UFO sightings and about a hundred – about impacts on technology and man. – From this place in more detail … – Well, let’s say, our doctors worked out the issues of the impact of UFOs on person. Here the pilot met a “plate” in the air. How did he behave? In the Gorky region, UFOs flew over the territory of the unit. When sentry tried to report this to the head of the guard, was interrupted communication. The soldier just threw the machine gun and ran away. – It became scary guy, of course. But why did the connection break? “Plate” did you try? “The UFO does the trick too.” Let’s say in 1974 year above the Povorino airfield near Borisoglebsk appeared motionless black cloud a kilometer and a half in length. Hanging itself at an altitude of seven kilometers, and on the radars mark: plane! On the interception of the object was sent a fighter with two pilots. how just entered the cloud, a wild siren howled in the headphones of the headsets. The sound power exceeded the pain threshold. At the same time the inscription “dangerous height” was lit up and the monstrous chatterbox. Guys could barely de-energize the car and with huge efforts brought the plane out of the cloud. It hung over the airfield about four hours, and then disappeared. – Well, miracles! They didn’t figure it out, What was it? – Not. There are few such inexplicable cases, but they there, and some could lead to serious consequences for the whole the planet. October 4, 1982 in the area of ​​Belokorovichi on the territory of Ukraine from 18.30 to 22.00 more than a hundred military observed 7 -8 luminous objects gathered in garlands. Military unit was not just any, but the 50th missile division of the Strategic Missile Forces. At the same time on the command post lit up all the information boards. Including start button … – Nevermind yourself! Third World Could Begin war? – That’s it. Just because the military requested confirmation by a spare communication channel, launch of a nuclear missile the warhead did not take place. High commission from Moscow no reason for failure, except for UFOs, did not find.

Something “plates” have not been flying for a long time …

– And what are the results of your laboratory? – Firstly, we made a map of the anomalous zones of the Soviet Union. – A lot of them? -Dozens. The most important are the Ust-Koksinsky district of the Gorno-Altai autonomous region, Zeravshan district, Borisoglebsky air hub, district Plesetsk in the Arkhangelsk region, Dzerzhinsky district of Nizhny Novgorod area. Many areas found in the suburbs, especially in Shatursky area. The second one. Together with other institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences a unique complex of supersensitive equipment for studying UFO. It allows you to receive a spectrum of any unidentified objects, evaluate their size, density, speed of movement … And the third – we learned how to predict UFO activity waves. – By the way, you ever checked the messages of people who claim that their took away “plates”, etc.? – No, we did not work with contactees. We were only interested in official reports from military units with information received by military-technical equipment …

Where did the dead alien’s corpse go ?!

– By the way, Comrade Colonel, all ufologists are very offended by you Russia. – Oh, really? And for what? – Well, at least for what you hide terrible secrets of Soviet ufology. Admit it in 1978 in Kazakhstan traces of the crash of an alien ship did you notice? -Not me. -That is, the fact of the fall of the “plate” do not deny? Look into the eyes! – Ha ha! Yes, no one fell there! For all these years we have not met nothing to hold in my hands and wonder where it is did … – And they say that in the storage of your laboratory in Mytischi has a warehouse of UFO debris … – Nonsense! – And yet – what there is a super-secret repository on Novaya Zemlya, where they were transported corpses of aliens from the “plate”, knocked out by a Soviet interceptor. The willows were personally responsible for their transportation and almost themselves dissected … – Bullshit. “So what then is a UFO?” “I like a military geophysicist who has been dealing with anomalous phenomena for 15 years, I declare responsibly that 80 percent of all UFOs are natural plasma formations. According to a specially developed technique, we compared the state of the Sun and the time of the appearance of UFOs. It was found that under certain conditions the solar flux radiation breaks through the Earth’s protective magnetic field and assumes a variety of forms, affecting appliances and people. So here unidentified objects arise. – What about twenty remaining interest? – I am inclined to believe that they have not yet physical nature known on Earth. At least explain their usual laws of physics are not yet possible. – For instance? – There you are couple of incidents with pilots. June 22, 1977 in the Leningrad region a training flight was carried out on the Tu-16 with a “cone” (this is a target for firing). At the moment when the pilot began to produce a “cone”, he noticed in front of a huge fiery sphere. At the same time there was a clap the “cone” cut off and the airplane engine stopped. Pilot unsuccessfully tried to start it, but after a few seconds the engine earned by itself. September 14, 1981 in the Mukachevo MiG-23 area made a training flight. In front of him also appeared fiery sphere, and there was an explosive destruction of the bow of the aircraft. The pilot catapulted. These cases never got explanations.

War Time Rocket Russia Aircraft USSR USA HAARP

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