There are cases when UFOs assisted crews aircraft in difficult conditions. One of them happened not far from Ryazan, where the AN-12 plane failed during a flight electric generators, and after them the battery failed, and the crew was forced to land on the airfield in Ryazan with extinct headlights and side lights. In addition, there was bad weather, rain and low cloud cover. And suddenly from somewhere above, behind the plane, a powerful spotlight flashed, illuminating the landing strip, which became clearly visible, and this allowed the crew to successfully to land. Диск НЛО, заснятый с борта самолета Фото изopen sources The second incident occurred in 1983 with an airplane AN-24, which flew from Novosibirsk to Kuibyshev in conditions of strong thunderstorm activity, and his radar failed. A there were continuous thunderclouds in front of the aircraft to an altitude of 11-12 km. AND then suddenly an unknown, brightly glowing object appeared, which directed his rays at these clouds, after which they all became visible in full view. This object accompanied the AN-24 until it disappeared. danger of flying into the center of a thunderstorm. And the crews of three other flying aircraft have confirmed that this lighting helps they get around a dangerous thunderstorm area. About the third case told Colonel A. Kopeikin. During night flights when approaching he saw a ball hanging stationary at a height of 60-70 m above the BPRM ball and was forced to leave for the second round. When re-approaching and the release of the chassis, his left pillar did not lock, and I had to leave again. And the ball continued to hang. At the third approach, the chassis again did not lock, and only when it was released accidentally, a UFO did not interfere with the landing. Kopeikin could not understand whether these UFO actions warning of airplane malfunction or simple coincidence. In very rare cases, aliens saved their lives to individuals in extreme situations. American contactee Corey Wade told Marina Popovich about how he was thrice saved by aliens. The first time this happened in Miami, when he, being a 10-year-old boy, flew with his uncle on a two-seater airplane and uncle allowed him to slightly lead the plane. When they returned, the wind rose and the plane began to tossing out side to side. Uncle passed out. And then scared Wade he heard a voice inside him, which gave him instructions that need to do with the helm of the plane. For a short time, uncle woke up and took control, but then again lost consciousness, and Wade I had to try to fly the plane again and again I heard a voice, telling him what to do. At the last moment uncle again woke up, grabbed the helm from a boy and tried to land a plane directly to the sea beach. But when they landed, it turned out that uncle was already dead due to a massive heart attack. There were two more cases in which an unknown voice helped Wade escape when he almost drowned, falling from a boat into the river, and as an adult, almost died in the stormy ocean. Wade later came to the conclusion that in all three cases, his actions, apparently, were led by aliens through an implant implanted in his right ear when he is aged 9 years was pulled along the beam into a huge shiny ball and was in it two days without remembering anything that happened to him. About an interesting case of assisting aliens to astronauts caught in a difficult situation, said in 1996 a former commander Soyuz-18 spacecraft Colonel V. Lazarev. In 1975, with the Baikonur Cosmodrome launched the Soyuz-18 spacecraft, and Lazarev with flight engineer O. Makarov should have been replaced astronauts who were at the Salyut-4 station. But at the 260th second Salyut’s communications with the Mission Control Center deteriorated the voice of P. Klimuk informing the crew about the course of the flight was bad heard strange sounds similar to human speech. Then the “Booster Crash” alarm went off, and in negotiations with the Mission Control Center they heard again the same strange sounds. At an altitude of 192 km, the descent vehicle automatically separated from the launch vehicle and began to fall, initially randomly tumbling, and after opening the parachute already descending smoothly. The device turned out to be 2000 km from Baikonur, over Altai mountains, with their sharp peaks and precipices. Later the astronauts felt a strong push, and the descent stopped. Wherein one of them had to press the button of the device shooting a parachute from the descent vehicle, but some kind of inner voice I strongly advised them not to. When they looked out apparatus, you saw that the dome of their huge parachute caught on a ledge of a rock and the device hangs on its slings on a steep slope, under which a deep chasm. They miraculously survived. And then the astronauts heard a growing whistle and saw hovering right above them an unknown object glowing with violet light that through half a minute has disappeared. Lazarev told reporters that the UFO crew, apparently, then tried to establish contact with them, using radio contact with the flight control center and then appeared over them. The astronauts did not doubt that only thanks UFO interference, they remained safe and sound. Then they no one was told about this – for such statements they could suspend from flying. In another case that occurred on the east coast of the United States, V. Geronimus flying on a glider on altitude 2000 m, hurricane wind suffered from the coast over the ocean, and an hour later he began to lose height. Suddenly appeared above the glider an unknown object of huge size in the form of a rhombus, after which the glider immediately soared up, turned 90 degrees and flew towards the shore seen in the distance. And the object for An hour and a half escorted the glider until it landed. But all these extremely rare cases of care by individual aliens, individuals who are in difficult situations cannot regarded as providing serious assistance to humanity, about which said some representatives of loyal extraterrestrial civilizations. AND only one example of such a large-scale rendering is known help. This is a statement of a representative of civilization with Sirius Gerda that it was her civilization that supposedly prevented nuclear explosion during the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. A the real danger of such an explosion then really existed, for as a result of the burning of graphite, which in a destroyed reactor it was 1700 tons, a temperature of 2200 degrees was created, at which fuel elements (fuel elements) began to melt. And they kept in a total of 190 tons of low-enriched uranium dioxide, of which only 2 percent, or 4 tons, was uranium-235, providing a chain reaction, and the rest 96 percent was radioactive uranium-238, which in the reaction did not involved. As a result of the melting of the fuel rods, there is a danger spontaneous formation of a critical mass of uranium-235, spontaneous occurrence of a chain reaction and a nuclear explosion. According to experts, in the Chernobyl accident, even without about 6.5 tons of a nuclear explosion fell into the environment fuel and its fission products. Obviously, in the case of nuclear their explosion would be incomparably larger and radioactive infection vast territories would be exposed. Confirmation that perhaps aliens really prevented a nuclear explosion the reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the testimony of two dosimetrists, who arrived at the fourth power unit of the NPP 3 hours after a powerful thermal explosion that destroyed it and measured the level there radiation, amounting to 3000 mr / h. In front of their eyes to the burning a strange fireball with a diameter of 6-8 m flew over the power unit at 300 m and for 3 minutes irradiated the power unit with two red rays, after which slowly departed. During this time, the level of radiation decreased to 800 mr / h, that is, decreased by almost 4 times. But extraterrestrial civilizations apparently continued to exercise control over destroyed Chernobyl nuclear power plant, because after significant radioactive releases from it in September 1989 UFOs were again observed over the NPP, and in 1990 an unknown object was even photographed. The ufological literature does not describe others reliable examples of extraterrestrial civilizations substantial assistance to the population of individual regions, countries or cities in the event of dangerous emergencies such as earthquakes, tsunamis, catastrophic flooding, etc. This was confirmed during the largest disaster on December 26, 2004. years when three powerful tsunami waves up to 20 m high hit in a row on the coast of Sumatra, Thailand and Sri Lanka and died from them more than 200 thousand people. At the same time, according to the India Daily, UFO India, US Today, a few days before the disaster in these areas, it turns out, there were many UFOs that speak of awareness of extraterrestrial civilizations about the possibility of such disaster. However, these civilizations have not taken action on her prevention, and if it was impossible, then at least for warning the population and governments of the countries of the area of its approximation. However, the aliens continued to show interest in this area and after the disaster. On the night of January 1, 2005, then there are 4 days after this powerful tsunami, the inhabitants of Thailand Pattaya city observed about 1000 UFOs of various shapes, which made all kinds of maneuvers, divided and reconnected, but their images when shooting cameras and camcorders get failed. Lack of specific examples of alien rendering serious assistance to earthlings in extreme situations, casts doubt on the sincerity of statements by representatives some civilizations that they help humanity.
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