Ukrainian made a mysterious photo of the sculpture Virgin Mary

Ukrainian made a mysterious photo of the sculpture of the VirginA photo from open sources

A resident of the Ukrainian city of Ostrog in the Rivne region on its site a small chapel. Retired Judge Sergey Shtogun did this in order to honor the memory of his parents and spouse’s parents. In a religious building was put sculpture of the Virgin under the dome. Recently, a lawyer photographed her in the dark and was literally amazed at the received snapshot.

Shtogun, who posted the mysterious image on the World Wide Web, told reporters that his chapel was imprinted on the photo very weird. An incomprehensible train of white and purple hues, reminiscent of some kind of mystical smoke. Such a find very surprised Sergey and all his relatives – Ukrainians did not able to explain the mysterious effect manifested on picture.

A photo from open sources

Opinions of Internet users about this photo divided up. Some commentators suggest this is real supernatural phenomenon. As you know, humanity has always been centuries observes various inexplicable phenomena associated with religious buildings. Therefore, it is possible that in this case we are talking about one of these anomalies, which we managed to fix on the picture.

Other regulars on the Web believe that there is no miracle here, and all the fault is an ordinary technical failure. Say, at the time of shooting There was a slow shutter speed on the camera, and the camera was shifted to side until the end of the exposure, which is why the lamps on The illuminated chapel created a blur effect. Judge with that opinion I do not agree. The next night he made an experiment several new shots of the sculpture of the Mother of God, using the same a camera with unchanged settings (automatic), however, these the images were the most prosaic.


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