Photos from open sources of
Igor Tikhonov lives in Kemerovo and especially does not believe in any paranormalism, that is, neither in the UFO, nor in ghosts. But once to him together with my comrades I happened to see something strange in the sky, very similar to an unidentified flying machine.
That evening, they and friends were resting on the banks of the Tom River Podiakovo – at Igor’s cottage. Everything went as usual: light wine, great snack, heartfelt conversations and even songs. And suddenly closer by midnight, just at the moment when the moon began to rise, on some strange glow appeared in the shape of a sphere, then to two more similar luminous objects joined him.
Friends already opened their mouths, and then together they began to shoot UFOs on their mobile phones. According to Igor, two objects soon disappeared, and one was in the sky (even as if more and more flaring up) pretty long. And all this time (at least half an hour) the guys were shooting this burning ball on three phones. However the next morning friends Igor didn’t find any video materials on their gadgets, we thought that they all dreamed about it and … forgot about this incident. Especially, that everyone was drunk that night – strange and blamed it events.
The other day, Igor Tikhonov understood his photos and videos on mobile phone and suddenly found a video about a UFO. After of this he took the material to the editorial office of Sibdelo, so that in The Internet and this video information appeared about another unidentified flying object over our planet.
Such records of flying saucers, obscure balls, and so on. getting bigger and bigger. I wonder what conclusion can be make of this? ..