Unidentified objects flying whole flotilla

Unidentified objects flying a whole fleetPhoto from open sources In Peru, unidentified flying objects that moved in the air with a whole flotilla. it happened in the early morning of June 22 when one of the Peruvians left at home and noticed strange lights over the center of Tarma.

Having looked closely, a resident of Tarma realized that this was most likely a UFO, so he hastened to take a camera and shot this amazing parade aircraft. On the video you can see that each object two-spherical, in total six pieces, and first you can see only five UFOs, then the sixth joins them. All this heavenly the flotilla moves slowly, as if it were flying around the city, soaring just above its center.

Recall that approximately the same fleet of aircraft Sochi residents recently saw the devices. And in that case there were several objects in the sky and they also “examined” the center cities.

Thanks to jmhz71’s YouTube channel, the Peruvian video is already on the next day became available to a wide audience of ufologists who, as always, expressed various assumptions, but most likely they said, this is another proof that beyond our planet constantly there are observations from alien civilizations. IN lately, it should be noted that this control is more and more intensifies, judging by the fact that UFOs began to see more often, and now also whole air fleets.


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