Years of falsified data, disclosure of videos and photos in Congress.
Photos from open sources
Posted by Gordon Duff, Editor-in-Chief of
(Veterans Today, a prestigious American specialized editions of US Army veterans and State Department employees.) Discussion of alien bases on the moon and video structures on the dark side of the moon are not new. What Congress is investigating is not only the bases themselves, but also three decades or more permanent falsification of data from NASA and defense space projects – this is news.
A photo from open sources
Last week, an unusual story was published by World News Tomorrow. The publication states that “circles on fields “were created by energy weapons in orbit, systems which were hacked.
A photo from open sources
This tall tower is about 13 km high, 4 km in diameter at the base, the top dome has three miles in diameter.
World News Tomorrow is not just a news website. we know better. The video below is prepared by Disclose TV, it states that the source is a Chinese satellite from the orbit of the moon. Other sources claim origin image – NASA: Article on this week discussed some issues which the press was forbidden to cover: “According to many researchers lunar and Martian images and photos, provided by space agencies artifacts and structures regularly changed by NASA authorities. NASA’s “stunts” remove alien presence on the moon, Mars insiders Ken Johnston and Donna Hare have shown accusing space agency in the “photographic cover-up order evidence “and that” NASA faked, darkened, and did obscure thousands of photographs over the years. “Part The process involves the use of neutral filters, allowing you to remove moving objects. Some photographic experts, however, argue that the same software allows using filters to “pull” anomalous objects from landscape. Future space images or some more of the most revealing of past materials may also be subjected to a process of change. The result is images devoid of embarrassing or controversial objects that may “clog” lunar or martian landscape. And here’s another publication, The Canadian reports: “Dr. Michael Salla indicated that there is an Alien Military Industrial Complex or MIEC, and that the Earth is assimilated by strangers according to their plans, and that they also use the Earth’s satellite, the moon. “Hannard claims to have received an image from a “source,” which, in in particular, said: “China will release pictures [high permissions] made by Chang’e-2 lunar orbiter, which clearly show buildings and structures on the surface of the moon. “China will familiarize the public with all the data and images coming from Chang’e 2 in the coming weeks and months. And that allows us to hope that we are entering the beginning of a new era. ”
A photo from open sources
Model aircraft, some over 5,000 years old …
The entanglement of the government reached epic proportions in Lately. NASA sources indicate that next month, Earth converges with “Miss Nearest” or possibly catastrophic collision with an asteroid, but they are not yet sure. Sources tell us that the question is not that we are not were able to adequately track the trajectory or prepare for the passage 150 foot asteroid inside the orbit of our geostationary satellites, but that the reason is that the “threat” itself was removed – collision with the “rogue planet” from the asteroid belt as her calls NASA. From the recent “Slam Dunk” video UFO evidence … and “Slam Dunk” deliberately made a fake UFO videos of extremely high quality and costly as well a crack on the satellite unit in the “Zone – 51” and other “dark places”, and found there big triangular ships … a charade cannot go on forever.
A photo from open sources
Photoshop? With so many secrets, can we really accept these excuses next?
Congress has published 6,000 pages of torture recently, only for internal use. The report is completely debunking bin Laden killing movie, “Zero Visibility 30” “Zero Dark 30 “, which depicts the re-killing of a long dead bin Laden, a high-level CIA asset in good condition at the time his death.
A photo from open sources
Another “Photoshop” or mining?
The report, if published, could lead to prosecution. thousands of Americans in war crimes. If “torture” gave rise to 6,000 pages, what 500 witnesses and years of secret can “give out” hearings, and not only on UFO issues and alien bases, but also about secret military technology and “exopolitics” how big we will sit the report? So much to fill the room the library? Who serves such a huge amount secrets?
Time Moon Mars NASA USA