Vatican believed in aliens

A photo from open sources

PHOTO: AP The Catholic Church has made a number of very sensational statements regarding extraterrestrial life. Director Vatican Observatory – Priest of the Jesuit Order Jose Funes – allowed the existence of other civilizations outside the Earth, according to RIA “News”. “Until today we have not found any evidence that there is extraterrestrial life. But in a universe of billions galaxies, each of which has billions of stars, cannot be known exclude the existence of life, “he said during the conference, held in Rome at the initiative of the Catholic Church. Funes drew attention to the fact that the search for life signals of intelligent civilizations on other planets, it is necessary for people to better understand themselves and “realize your own source of life.” The astronomer noticed that The Catholic Church has always been interested in science, adding that you can never know what will happen to us even in 10-15 years. “350 stars are known around which planets revolve. Not it is possible that among them there may be a planet similar in nature conditions on Earth, “he concluded. According to the astronomer, the universe It is by no means a “result of chaos,” and its very nature is clear and logically structured, which in turn allows people carry out various scientific research, discover and understand physical laws. “Science allows you to reflect and find laws in nature, which reflects the order, “Funes stated. Pope Benedict XVI made a statement in this regard, noting that science and faith in God are compatible, because both another is necessary to save life on earth. “Faith does not enter in conflict with science, but, on the contrary, collaborates with it. While how science discovers something new about man and space, faith shows what is really good for a person and in what vein humanity should move, ”Peace FM quotes him. Vatican astronomers conduct their research in one of the oldest in the world of Specola Vaticana observatories. They also enjoy powerful telescope installed in the US state of Arizona and regularly take part in major international scientific conferences.

Arkady AZAEV

Vatican Universe Life

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