We continue only to shoot UFOs and guess about aliens

We continue only to shoot UFOs and guess about aliensA photo from open sources

Ufology has been going through a crisis for a long time, since for the most part only fixes the appearance of UFOs, those or other traces left aliens on Earth, yes guesses – what is it ?.

In fact, at present, this science has long been to study the connections of terrestrial and unearthly civilizations, their development. However Ufology is not allowed to go further than stating facts about aliens, and this is the paradox of our society: we seem to have long been we know that we live under the close supervision of aliens, but we do pretending all this is nothing more than the fantasies of some “abnormal researchers. “At the same time, we continue to shoot UFOs and lay out these exciting videos on the Internet …

What are the newcomers interested in the city of Liverpool?

Slowly swam over Merseyside UK unidentified flying object, as if deciding to observe the inhabitants Liverpool.

At least, it seemed to the Liverpools themselves, who Witnessed the appearance of aliens in the sky. The fact is that the object sailed slowly and was relatively long over the city. FROM point of view of earthlings, so you can only watch the life of citizens or study the area, as well as everything on it.

UFO with tail over Miami Airport

The Spaniard shot a classic plate of aliens on a video camera, flying over miami airport.

According to him, this strange phenomenon appeared suddenly and right above his head, left behind a bright trace in the form blue tail, and the UFO was not in a hurry to fly away. Naturally, the man managed to take off the flight of a mysterious object and decided that the shot they will be interested in the video for users of the World cobwebs.

UFO with tail over Miami Airport

The Spaniard shot a classic plate of aliens on a video camera, flying over miami airport.

According to him, this strange phenomenon appeared suddenly and right above his head, left behind a bright trace in the form blue tail, and the UFO was not in a hurry to fly away. Naturally, the man managed to take off the flight of a mysterious object and decided that the shot they will be interested in the video for users of the World cobwebs.

Aliens are always where earthlings fight

We have already written more than once that UFOs are constantly present in the zone military operations. For example, they were constantly seen by American soldiers during the vietnam war.

They appear today in the area of ​​military operations in Syria. So, Russian pilots who bombed ISIS positions saw ships aliens near their planes, and the other day an unidentified object in the form of a butterfly was again seen in the sky in the daytime – it was shot on the mobile phone is one of the witnesses of this flight, who immediately posted video on the Internet.

Aliens visited Chile

In Chile, a UFO was shot in the form of Chinese lanterns. So many Chileans thought – these are colorful light bulbs for beauty Launch on the eve of Christmas and New Year’s holiday.

However, it soon became clear that the “Chinese lanterns” in fact in fact – unidentified flying objects, especially since this country aliens visit quite often. Of course, many thought it was there may be drones, however, to many Internet users these objects seemed too unbelievable for drones.

Alien ships fly next to passenger airliners

Aliens are constantly escorting aircraft earthlings, and if the military keep quiet about it, as it should be according to the instructions, then passengers of civil air buses often take off UFOs and upload them to the Internet.

Another such video appeared the other day, it was made passengers flying over Germany. The video recorded the moment when a huge object of clearly unearthly origin is attached next to wing of the plane and for some time flies in parallel. Then just disappears, as is the case with UFOs. Confuse him with the earthly apparatus difficult, and earthlings, even the military, do not fly next to the passenger by airplanes – such maneuvers would immediately be stopped from the ground, then the abyss from the field of view of an earthly object could not be so instantly.

But passengers flying on a plane over the Alps were lucky more. They saw through the portholes not just very curious the alien object in the form of a classic plate, but also managed to remove on the video is its “content”. Look at the video you can see that someone is inside the alien ship. It makes UFO lovers over and over to view the record in the hope of seeing aliens themselves. Sorry, this “vision” lasts only a moment, and to distinguish something specifically is very difficult. Although at a certain fantasies – it’s quite possible …

Time Aircraft

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