What can earthlings oppose to attack aliens

There is no such person on planet Earth who would not look to the night sky and did not try to understand whether there is one of billion planets of another one similar to our own, where they also live living and intelligent beings and contact with which sooner or later must happen. Photo from open sources But if even life in the depths of space exists then who they are unknown representatives of reasonable civilizations – enemies or, on the contrary, those who bring new ones to the Earth knowledge and thereby push the development of our civilization? TO Unfortunately, no one can give an answer to a similar question. Some researchers of the UFO phenomenon are inclined to think that aliens visit Earth, but their goals are noble. They are sure to help find the right answer in solving many sore problems of humanity. May make each of Earthlings, and society as a whole, are healthier, smarter, richer. After all, help for those in need is the most sacred duty of the noble superintelligent creatures. Through fantastic technology, they will be able to quickly cure and possibly guide the true path our bodies and souls are poor. Yes, what can I say, they will turn ours life in paradise. They may even make us immortal and teach us how to sow grains of good on other planets of the vast universe. Another part of the researchers, on the contrary, expresses concern. And what if the aliens want to take over the earth? To sweat, different ways to use the planet and us in our egoistic discretion. Convincing options for such a scenario are already invented a huge amount. The history of mankind is beautiful example. From hard slave eras to modern times of time, representatives of the powerful, quite often hiding behind beautiful and sometimes tearful slogans of achievement universal equality and prosperity, induced necessary only for their individual prosperity order. Obviously the struggle for the notorious so-called living space and natural resources should never be discounted. It’s always better pre-weaken a potential enemy or even turn it off from the game, before waiting until he regains strength and becomes worthy enemy in the space arena. The fears are perfectly reasonable. But however, do not throw tantrums. Better to think soberly what right now can be done before it is too late. You can somehow relate to this issue, but, apparently, it will be indispensable companion of our entire civilization until that time the number of individual countries on the planet will not be reduced to one – or to at that time until the economic and the main thing is the socio-political need for participation in wars. AND, which, in general, is not surprising in world fiction itself various levels, plots of struggle with all kinds of space aliens are usually quite traditional and appear in completely wild, at the level of development of the Stone Age, with the small exception is that the struggle is not stone axes, and modern, more advanced weapons. Can remember Herbert Wells classic masterpiece called War of the Worlds – this, by the way, is one of the first science fiction works in the world similar kind. And if you approach this issue seriously, than Today the Earth’s population may “snap”, if all of a sudden, “brothers in mind” will still show aggression? Every battle the system must perform three tasks: first – detect the enemy, then take aim and eventually destroy. Today until 95% of the information about the world that surrounds us is received from using electromagnetic waves, usually in the optical range. But the creation of a kind of “artificial eyes” working in the optical range turned out to be the hardest technical issue not completely resolved today. The breakthrough in this matter provided active location using a laser. Systems tested today providing tracking of space orbit at an altitude of more 36,000 kilometers. It’s a completely different matter that their reliability is still very far from ideal. The diversity of our world to our joy not limited to electromagnetic fields. There are still gravitational and torsion fields, you can try something fix using telepathic or neutrino communication. With neutrino however, a sore subject, first of all – as his, in fact, to fix? Telepathic communication, unfortunately, practically does not give coordinate snapping capabilities. In the event that the ship aliens will be able to manipulate features like space and time, we, theoretically, have the opportunity fix gravitational disturbances. Another question is that such things can end very sadly. So if alien spaceships will appear within the earth geostationary orbit if they do not attempt to “bend” space and if their sizes are more than a few meters, then detect them is quite possible. The second task to take on the sight. Already for about forty years it’s believed that in vivo aircraft, piloted by a pilot, can not be saved from an anti-aircraft missile. Question in that a guided anti-aircraft missile flies in a dense atmosphere, and the latter, as is well known, has a significant resistance to movement. The engine usually only runs at the booster moment of the flight. Next, the rocket flies, as if guided disc. And just at that moment when you need a reserve of speed and maneuver, a modern rocket will simply not have enough kinetic energy. How to resist alien ships? First – try to design aircraft for absolutely new physical principles comparable to flying characteristics of “flying saucers”. Oddly enough, but certain works in this so far fantastic direction are now in our state is coming. Moreover, their scale is quite impressive, although the real results are still very far away. Second – compensate for the lack of quality by quantity, apply all available funds in the complex. Now in anti-aircraft missiles, as well as in anti-satellite systems, are used fragmentation warhead, in which the formation of fragments managed, as a rule – they are all as a result of a given form. On the anti-missiles remain out of competition nuclear warheads, and not only as a slip compensation. At the same time, X-ray a flurry of a high-altitude explosion of a nuclear charge burned out equipment management. Moreover, the electromagnetic pulse emanating from a nuclear explosion for a long time “knocked out” at significant telecommunications in the territories, and this is extremely unacceptable in wartime. Military experts have long come to the fascinating conclusion: as long as while all this mysterious “flying utensil” flies – it’s not for us teeth. Indeed, for many years, legends about ships are multiplying, airplanes, nuclear submarines, for which the desire to attack UFOs ended fatally. But there is another side, it is believed that aliens in the physical plane are pretty weak. You can do it fine take advantage of. Many years of experience exist on this issue. guerrilla warfare, and trained special sabotage and counter-sabotage units. And if you believe to ufologists – these are special units prepared for physical capture of aliens. But still there is such an underlying desire to believe that representatives of other worlds send their scouts not to prepare for war, but, on the contrary, to prepare to conduct a peaceful dialogue. This version personally impresses me more, after all, everyone understands that their technology and ours are tantamount to the fact that the Chapaev’s division will go on a frontal attack on modern tank regiment.

War Time Rocket Life

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