What do Russians think about aliens

What Russians think about aliensPhotos from open sources of

The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) held a survey that revealed how Russians relate to alien topics. Results can even someone shock.

It turned out that 45 percent of the inhabitants of Russia are sure that the aliens (humanoids from other galaxies, parallel worlds, or even from future Earth) really exist, moreover – they have long been on our planet.

Of this nearly half of Russians, 27 percent believe that aliens are just watching us, not going to join contact, because we are too underdeveloped civilization for them. The remaining 18 percent are somehow convinced that contact with aliens It has long been held, however, at the level of governments and the world elites, for the rest of the inhabitants of the Earth all this is a mystery for the family seals (and it is not known – why?)

At the same time, scientists, as scientific servants of the interests of the world’s strengths almost 60 percent of Russians do not trust this. This does not apply only issues related to UFOs and aliens. Orthodox from science, in the opinion of the majority of residents of the Russian Federation, hide (hush up and distort) many information, for example, scientific discoveries, real the nature of abnormal phenomena, true history, and so on. So 3 percent of Russian residents believe that since childhood they have been lying about the structure of the Earth (it is supposedly far from round), about the matrix in which we are living.

Finally, 57 percent of Russians do not believe that Americans flew to the moon, and therefore very dissatisfied with the position of the government Russia, which continues to hide this truth from the world the public, like so much more, say, about falsification the history of Russia from the West …

In conclusion, we add that the survey showed that only a little more than 40 percent of the inhabitants of Russia do not believe in aliens, and even that is big some of them believe that in unlimited space anything can perhaps we just haven’t found any brothers in our minds. The remaining 14-15 percent just walk away from this topic, possibly because that they don’t have the right to talk about aliens. That’s it …


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