What do the omens say about a lost or found watch?

Nobody wants to lose a watch, even considering that buying new ones is not a problem today. If a status accessory or a simple chronometer slipped from your hand, was forgotten or stolen, this incident can have different interpretations, from the point of view of folk wisdom.

Lose the watch by the sea

Negative interpretation

Guided by common sense and folk signs, losing a watch is regarded as an unpleasant event: material and moral damage, a bad omen. A person is deprived of an expensive, beautiful status thing, sometimes memorable, donated by important people. But the problem doesn't stop there.

Signs speak about the meaning of the loss of a chronometer for different people

  • If a watch is lost by a person who is not happy in his personal life, it means that the path to the heart of this individual is 'blocked'. Therefore, it is in no way possible to find a 'soul mate'. On the energetic level, this means that a person does not know how to give love to other people. In this case, the loss of a watch is a sign of the need to change something in life, to open the heart for love;
  • If a man who has a couple has lost a chronometer, he needs to pay attention to his personal life.

The clock is a symbol of time.

Their loss can speak of wasted 'minutes':

  1. If you have a prolonged period of apathy – the omen does not lie, you need to 'pull yourself together' and act;
  2. Maybe you are busy with 'empty business', from which you do not have to expect benefit or moral satisfaction. The loss of a chronometer is a reason to reconsider life priorities;
  3. If you do what is needed, but slowly and 'down your sleeves', troubles with a wristwatch – the sign 'will accelerate'.

If what was said above does not apply to you, then the loss of hours is a harbinger of future problems. For example, you may face stagnation in your personal life, a stop in career growth, or a cessation of personality development. Don't get depressed, don't let your life turn into a 'stagnant swamp'.

why lose hours

Positive interpretation

There are also good signs about the loss of hours, which promise positive changes in life. To be deprived of a wrist chronometer – this symbolizes: 'to break the connection' with the past, to be on the verge of a new period in life.

In order not to miss your chance, which the omen suggests, you need to 'revise' your secret, sincere desires:

  • If you dream of meeting a loved one, after the disappearance of your watch, take a closer look at the surrounding representatives of the opposite sex. It is possible that 'happiness' is somewhere nearby, and fate is preparing a surprise;
  • If there is a stagnation in career growth, but it is scary to do anything to change the situation, pay attention to the emerging development opportunities in the professional sphere and reconsider the options that were previously 'swept aside';
  • If you need friends you can rely on in difficult times, look around. Perhaps there are already such people in the environment.

The 'time for change' has come, a certain period of life must give way to another period – that's what, according to superstitions, the loss of hours happens. And what changes to expect: good or bad – this should be suggested by your intuition.

There are other positive interpretations of the missing 'time meter'

  • A person somewhere forgets his watch, because subconsciously has long wanted others. In this case, the loss of a thing opens up the possibility of acquiring a new accessory;
  • A person no longer wants to live in time trouble. A lost chronometer eliminates the need to look at it all the time. In this case, you should not rush to buy a new thing;
  • If a man has lost a watch with a round dial, it is a boon for him. The rounded shape of the accessory is not suitable for men – it can cause stagnation in business and other troubles. Instead of the lost thing, it makes sense to purchase a new chronometer with a square or rectangular dial;
  • If a woman has lost a square watch, it may not suit her. In return, you need to buy an accessory with a round dial, which will bring the lady success in business and personal life, help get rid of unnecessary responsibilities.

Some people use watches as a talisman (if they came from their parents or stayed with the owner for more than 8 years). Perhaps the thing did its job: it 'collected' all the negative and 'left' from the owner. In this case, the loss of hours is also a good omen.

lost watch

Neutralization of negative energy

It happens in life that one person loses a watch, and another finds it. According to superstitions, such a find for an individual who has picked up a thing is the same sign as for a person who has lost a wristwatch. In both cases, we are talking about stagnation and future changes in life.

On the other hand, the found thing is a material profit, but strong conspiracies are read for hours to get rid of troubles, which allow shifting the problems onto the one who will become the next owner of the accessory. Therefore, so that the find does not cause a series of failures, the watch needs to be 'cleaned'.

A quick way to neutralize bad energy (holding the thing in running water) will ruin the chronometer.

You can use other methods:

  • Hold the accessory in a box with regular salt;
  • Place a lighted candle next to the clock and let it burn to the end;
  • Leaving small money in place of the find is a symbolic payment.

In any case, you first need to try to find the owner of the accessory, and if it doesn't work out, then only then try to 'tame' the thing.

Lost hours in sleep

It is believed that a device that measures time is a symbol of changes in life. The dream of losing a watch and the loss of a chronometer in real life have similar interpretations. Depending on the circumstances of the loss, the dream has slightly different meanings:

  1. We dropped the chronometer into the water in a dream – long hard trips are ahead;
  2. Lost hours in a dream in the sand – unexpected events will occur that will change fate;
  3. The girl lost her watch while walking among the flowers – the young lady who had such a dream will soon meet her betrothed;
  4. The watch is not lost, but stolen – in real life, a person is threatened by the machinations of ill-wishers.

And it also happens that a person understands well in a dream where he dropped his watch, but does not have the opportunity to get to this place and pick up the thing – this means future endless delays and delays in real life. You need to tune in to a calm mood and wait for the moment when the situation changes for the better, and then get down to business with fresh strength. Do not fuss and rush from side to side – this can only worsen the state of affairs.

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