What does the ring on the middle finger mean?

Rings due to their round shape (without beginning and end) were chosen by ancient people as a symbol of a deal. Seals were placed on them.

Our contemporaries perceive rings in different ways: for some, they are jewelry that can be changed like seals, for others – an Orthodox amulet, for others – a symbol of marriage, and others, with their help, strive to emphasize high status. Depending on the purpose, different rings are chosen and put on certain fingers.

ring on the middle finger of the girl

Wearing a ring on the middle finger is shown only to people with a strong will and those who want a change in life. At the same time, it is advisable to choose beautiful products of perfect shape, with natural stones.

What effect does the ring on the middle finger have on fate?

The central finger is the longest – jewelry looks best on it. It also shows how much a person likes himself. When people put rings on it, they intuitively activate their personality, allow their inner potential to unfold.

It was on the middle finger that Merelin Monroe wore a ring during the performance of the song about diamonds. And the middle finger was also chosen for the famous Tolkien's ring of omnipotence.

The patron saint of the middle finger is Saturn, the protector of law and justice. Putting a ring on the middle finger, a woman (or less often a man) activates poise and responsibility, which leads to the following consequences:

  • Man fully opens up to the world, shows his true essence;
  • An individual has the ability to demonstrate and develop his or her individuality;
  • The bearer of the ring finds inner harmony.

Sometimes such actions do not bode well, because the middle one provides a connection between a person's inner world and the external environment. Together with the personality of the ring bearer, his karma (fate) is activated, which he will have to follow, even without wanting to.

The constant presence of jewelry can create obstacles on a person's life path in the form of surprises of fate that are not afraid of strong people. They will only become stronger and more resistant to adversity. That is why weak people cannot wear a ring on the middle finger if they want to avoid fatal consequences. But here, too, there are some subtleties.

Whether to decorate the fingers of Saturn – this can only be decided on an individual basis. The desire to activate karma arises in the 'favorites of fate'. But the course of events also depends on which ring is worn, who puts it on and on what hand.

ring on the middle finger of the left hand

What does the decoration of the middle finger of the left hand mean?

The left hand is the personification of feminine energy, passive in right-handers. It protects the person from external and internal influences. The decoration of the left middle finger is not dangerous. You need to put on a silver ring on him if you don't like fate and want to 'slow down' the course of events. But the gold ring on the right hand can turn the life of a person ready to develop intensively in the shortest possible time.

The central longest finger may represent power, but the passivity of the left hand 'nullifies' all its power. Therefore, if for a person the ring plays only the role of jewelry, not intended for programming karma, it is recommended to wear it on the left finger of Saturn.

Psychologists have a different opinion on this matter. They believe that putting the ring on the middle finger of the left hand, people subconsciously seek to protect themselves from their own fate and not lose themselves.

It should be borne in mind that the ring on the left finger of Saturn does not lose its strength over time. To increase its influence, to protect themselves from fatal “surprises of fate” or to reveal their individuality, people start talking jewelry or choose a large ring. Thus, it is possible to slightly enhance its effect.

rings on hands

Right hand

Achievement of complete harmony of personality is what the ring on the middle finger of the right hand means. It is worn in a good way by narcissistic people.

They enjoy being who they are. The adornment of the thumb of individuality underlines this permissive narcissism.

The larger the jewelry, the more its owner wants to show others in his irresistibility.

Another case. The ring on the right finger of Saturn is of great importance for those who are confused or lost in life. Constant wearing activates destiny. Positive changes will manifest themselves in various ways: a new promising work appears, the right person meets, love 'rains', or the true purpose of the bearer of jewelry is found.

What are the best rings to wear?

The metal of Saturn is lead, so the jewelry for the middle finger should be made of gray (white) metal – silver, platinum, titanium.

The color of the stones in the setting should not be flashy, but soothing. For example, an insert in the form of lilac amethyst or charoite, rose quartz, smoky opal, blue turquoise, blue sapphire or aquamarine, white pearls will be successful. Of course, the center of the hand is a worthy place for a diamond.

ring on hand

The meaning of the rings on the middle fingers

  1. A large piece of jewelry in the center of the hand – speaks of the owner's vanity and narcissism;
  2. Intensely brilliant stone – gives out a personality that does not listen to the opinions of others;
  3. A small ring with a pebble of moderate size – shows a balanced person with a developed sense of self-esteem;
  4. The wedding ring is a symbol of the loyalty of the widow (or widower). On the middle finger, it is worn by women and or men who have lost their soul mate, but still remain faithful to their loved one. It is considered a bad omen to wear a 'marriage symbol' on the middle finger with a living (living) spouse;
  5. Family heirlooms – these are the jewelry most suitable for wearing on the middle finger of the left hand. They better protect from adversity and improve fate;
  6. Rings with the inscription 'save and save' – a powerful Orthodox amulet can be worn by sincere believers on the middle finger of the right hand (as well as on the index and thumb);
  7. Signet – men wear it when they want to emphasize their belonging to a certain genus. The ring in this case helps to reveal the potential of the owner, reduce the negative influence of rock on him and prove himself in the family business. These people believe in fate and their own higher destiny. Even the choice of a loved one is considered an event predetermined by karma. Having met such a person, one can not doubt his enormous spiritual strength. And if he has appointed you a date, your relationship is predetermined from above (especially for him).

A special case is the jewelry on both of Saturn's fingers. They betray a fatalist detached from everyday life.

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