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Some early apocrypha of Christianity not included in the biblical canon, it is said that the first wife of Adam was not Eve. Each of knows us that after the creation of the world God created in his own image and in the likeness of Adam, and then, finding that the first person is lonely, took he has a rib and made Eve out of it. However, it is believed that carefully part of the history of the first years of mankind from us hide.
The Creation of Lilith
Based on ancient texts, many believe that the first woman and Adam’s wife was Lilith, created by the Lord with a man. However, Lilith was rejected and expelled by the Creator from Eden after as it turned out that she was no stupider than Adam and had a strong-willed character, not wanting to obey her husband in everything. In the book of books this the character, they say, is not mentioned for the reason that Lilith is not corresponds to church canons according to which a woman should be meek and weak, completely submitting to the man.
It’s no secret that the traditional Bible was exposed significant censorship (and more than once), and a lot, initially the information contained in it was filtered. In the above surviving apocrypha claims that God created at the same time man and woman.
The Bible of King James says that Lilith was born equal to Adam, not only mentally and mentally, but also physically. According to apocryphal texts subjected Catholic censorship, Lilith could even surpass Adam in all parameters. She had a strong character, and in her marriage she desired to be on a par with her husband. For example, she had the same big sexual appetite like Adam. She didn’t just want to satisfy intimate needs of the spouse, and demanded that he did for her same.
Banishment of Lilith from Paradise
It is believed that it is precisely the waywardness and disobedience of Lilith, pouring into constant conflicts with Adam, led to the fact that the first woman was rejected by both the Creator and her husband. According to one theory, Adam asked the Almighty to deliver him from the presence of a naughty spouse. Another version says that Lilith she was tired of such an unfair relationship, and she said in anger the secret name of God, after which he voluntarily left paradise.
But where did she go after that, if on Earth there was only two people? There is an assumption that Lilith ran straight to the chief of demons and the angel of death Samael, who willingly accepted her into her arms. Lilith turned into an evil demon, after which gave birth to a new husband offspring. Kabbalistic theory says that subsequently, when there were more people in the world, she began kill babies and mock sleeping men.
A photo from open sources
Adam, left alone again, asked God to create a new one for himself. girlfriend of life. And this time, so that the woman was much more submissive, Heavenly Father created her from the rib of Adam. However, she is in ended up being a bad wife, having tasted first herself, and then spouse seducing the forbidden fruit. As a result, the couple was forever expelled from Eden, like Lilith before. Humanity settled around the world outside the Garden of Eden, fell into constant sin and started to suffer.
Probably, in a patriarchal society, the clergy could not allow believers to have an example of a strong and an independent woman who wanted and, most importantly, could be equal to a man. But the Almighty is absolutely fair to all his children, and therefore Lilith certainly existed before Eve and it was such as the ancient apocrypha describes it. Everything else is like it is said in the most holy scripture, from the Evil one …