What if I found money on the street?

Everyone loves it when money 'flows into their hands'. Especially, people rejoice at the receipt of 'big bucks'. Cash gifts, lottery winnings and much more are pleasant – no one refuses them. But what to do to someone who found money on the street, whether to take it for himself – this question is answered by popular wisdom. found money The money found on the road on Tuesday predicts a fateful meeting, an interesting acquaintance

Good omens

Random money lying on the road may turn out to be a gift from Fortune that should not be neglected. Most likely, the Universe makes such a 'surprise' to those who are in a dire financial situation – at such a moment, even a modest amount can be a real salvation.

In addition, you need to be able to use the location of the Higher Forces. There are cases when raising money on the road means attracting financial or other luck into your life.

Good omens are interpreted depending on who found the money and when:

  • A female person in 'critical days' picked up banknotes on the street – this portends her imminent marriage, or a pleasant acquaintance.
  • The man was in a hurry for a date, but he was stopped by a 'surprise' on the road – the meeting would go very well.
  • The money found during the rain, according to various opinions, promises: either an unexpected profit, or, on the contrary, impending material problems.
  • Denznaks found on the street in snowy weather predict success in business.

Coins found anywhere other than an intersection are ideal items for making a powerful talisman of money luck. Sew a bag out of a velvet fabric, place a coin in it, tie it with a scarlet ribbon. Keep the amulet in your money vault. To enhance the effect of the talisman, all these actions must be performed when the moon is growing.

There are many people who like to collect the money they find. It is believed that such collecting brings success in the field of finance.

You must have a separate box where the found banknotes and coins will be stored. Sometimes you need to look into it and happily sort through the finds – in this way, you will show that you are ready to accept cash flows into your life.

Why was the sum of money found on the road (pay attention to the day of the week):

  1. Monday. The find portends a monetary reward, will bring wealth.
  2. Tuesday. Money on the road predicts a fateful meeting, an interesting acquaintance.
  3. Wednesday. The find predicts career growth, higher wages, and an increase in financial well-being.
  4. Thursday. This money is an omen of unexpected profits.
  5. Friday. The find promises the joy of an expensive present (someone is already preparing it for you).
  6. Saturday. Found banknotes will be useful for a useful purchase.
  7. Sunday. Random money predicts an acquaintance with an influential person.

People who know the signs in this way predicted the near future.

is it possible to raise money on the street Coins found anywhere other than the intersection are ideal items for making a powerful talisman of monetary luck

Bad omen

There are many popular signs why it is impossible to raise other people's money on the street. Coins and banknotes are the material used for cleansing rituals. In particular, with their help they rid the home of negativity.

Usually, after such a ritual, money is thrown away at the intersection of two roads, taken away from their home. If you have to find that kind of money by putting it in your wallet, you can take someone else's trouble or illness.

It does not matter how many foreign banknotes are picked up from the ground, one or ten, the risk of incurring trouble is too great.

Bad omens about other people's money:

  • The money found can attract losses and trouble in other areas of life (for example, in love, health, or creativity).
  • Together with the find, you can pick up other people's sorrows.
  • The money raised at the crossroads will surely convey someone else's misfortune.
  • An empty wallet picked up will attract poverty.

There is no need to pick up coins that appeared from nowhere on the doorstep of the house – perhaps this is a lining, which poses a great danger to the one who takes it. This 'gift' must be disposed of without touching it with your hands. Sweep the small change with a broom and throw it out into the street.

There is one more facet of the question: if you found money, then someone lost it. You are happy and the other person is upset. It is known that you cannot build happiness on someone else's misfortune – this saying is also applicable to a monetary find.

But there is a sign of consolation to the 'confused': the one who has lost money will be successful in financial and other matters, and the one who has found it will spend a lot of money in the near future. In addition, the loss of money is considered as a 'payoff' from big troubles, such as illness or the loss of a loved one.

The law of the universe operates: if it has arrived in one sphere, it will decrease in another. Money that you got without difficulty will serve you only temporarily. And then you will feel a deterioration in life. But the wealth, earned by hard work, will not harm you in the slightest, will become the basis of your well-being for a long time.

To take or not to take?

There is no definite answer to this question. Having weighed all the pros and cons, the 'lucky' must make a choice on their own, what to do if he found money on the street.

If you come across a coin on the road, which is located upward by an eagle – you are lucky, luck is close.

Tails warns of the opposite. If you do not want to believe in an unpleasant prediction, check for yourself whether the find will be happy for you or not. Pick up a coin and toss it up (if it falls up with a good side – feel free to take it for yourself, on the other side – pass by).

found money on the street what is it for If several banknotes are found, you do not need to take everything. Leave the pieces to lie where they were found

If you decide to improve your financial situation with the help of the funds found, do it taking into account the recommendations of experts in folk wisdom. What not to do with the find:

  • Lend to someone. Giving back what was sent to you, you can lose the favor of Fortune.
  • Raising coins or bills at the intersection – this find will attract misfortune to you.
  • Pick up money on an empty stomach.

The phase of the moon also tells you if you can pick up money on the street, and what to do with it:

  1. Waxing Crescent. Before spending the find, you need to say: 'As the moon grows, so let my income increase.'
  2. Full moon. The funds found during this period should be distributed to those in need or bought candles in the church, and prayed for the health of yourself and your loved ones.
  3. Waning moon. These funds are sent to you in order to buy something edible.

How to raise money correctly?

Refusing other people's bills, you will avoid any risk, stay 'with your own'. But the average person is still tempted to pick up a find. If you cannot resist, and pass by the money on the road, picking them up, follow the recommendations:

  • If several banknotes are found, you do not need to take everything. Leave the pieces to lie where they were found. This will reduce the likelihood of hurting yourself.
  • Before picking up the bills found on the way, say: 'I will accept good, but I will leave evil. Let it be so'. Another option is to cross the sign of the cross and say a prayer.
  • If you come across other people's money in your wallet on the road. You can take the banknotes for yourself, and burn the wallet or give it to someone.
  • Having stumbled upon money lost by someone in your entrance or next to your home, in no case take the find home. Change the bills into smaller ones, or spend them.

When it comes to money, any find is profit. It is foolish to refuse it. But you already know when you can't pick up other people's money. If you have made a decision to take the find, follow the rules:

  1. A right-hander should pick up bills with his right hand, and a left-hander with his left. The hand that is used more often is energetically stronger. She will be able to withstand negative influences.
  2. Before spending the found bills at your discretion, you need to spit on them 3 times, and then sprinkle with holy water. So it will be possible to avoid troubles if the find was used as a ritual attribute to get rid of illness, troubles, troubles.
  3. Do not mix the found money with other banknotes and coins in your wallet. First, put them separately, and then try to spend as soon as possible – they will not have time to harm you.

The most reliable way to avoid troubles and attract financial luck is to raise money (this is how you show your willingness to accept the gift of fate), but spend it not on yourself, but to give it to charity.

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