A photo from open sources
When broadcasting a television report from the hottest areas Mexican earthquake, particularly when shown hundreds of thousands of viewers saw the dilapidated city of Puebla on the screens of their receivers an unidentified flying object (see video). What attracted the aliens?
Some UFO researchers suggest that aliens never fly without some purpose, say, because of the simple curiosity, dispassionately watching events. Something seriously interested them or even alerted them to Mexico …
Perhaps some ufologists suggest that today’s Mexican earthquake is just a forerunner to more formidable events, for example, a mega-earthquake. And fears that it is quite can happen, is now apparent. For example, in Mexico City (see video below) asphalt surfaces swell and “breathe” volcanic gases, which brings the inhabitants of this metropolis to real horror.
After all, such people have already seen in 1976 – just the day before Great Tangshan earthquake, which then 255 thousand people died, not counting the missing, wounded and destitute.
It was at that time that Chinese newspapers wrote that the roads cracked. and “breathed”, and the wells were seething, as if water was boiling in them. And soon – in the area of Tangshan there was a grand a seismic shock, unknown to that time in China.
A photo from open sources
By the way, we note that after the powerful earthquake in Mexico City, APL Engineering Association Specialists Ingenieros Consultores, three thousand buildings are ready to collapse, turning into wreckage. As the saying goes, much more? If here there will also be a mega-earthquake, the capital of Mexico may just turn into ruins, and the current number of victims is several hundreds – to increase many times …
As for UFOs, skeptics have suggested that over Mexico drones just fly, for example, removing from above the destruction and new faults have appeared, say, for the same television or for any video channel on the Internet. It is possible that video published below, filmed using a similar drone, which, it is possible, someone also took for a UFO.
Earthquake Time China Mexico