Signs about a wallet say: the accessory should be roomy and expensive, colored, attracting wealth, it should contain a 'bait' for money. So, the wallet will be filled with banknotes of various denominations.
But in the end, you buy a new wallet, and you will think about how to get rid of unnecessary shabby things. But there are many signs about what to do with an old wallet after buying a new one, and how to make it attract money luck.
Folk signs
If you bought a new wallet, signs do not recommend immediately getting rid of the old thing. On the contrary, in an accessory that has served its time, you can store savings, and in this way attract good luck and prosperity.
There are esotericists' recommendations on what to do with old wallets, depending on how the wallet showed itself during use: whether there were large amounts of money in it or a small coin jingled.
According to the sign, an impromptu storage should be placed in the southeastern sector of the apartment, choosing a secluded spot.
To enhance the magnetic properties, you need to put a bill in your wallet that you will not spend. You can start with a fifty-ruble bill, and then replace it with a banknote of 100 or 1000 rubles.
Signs emphasize that during manipulations with an old wallet, it is important to be in a good mood (this way you will enlist the support of light forces from unreasonable spending and unplanned expenses).
You can charge your old wallet for wealth and prosperity. The ceremony is designed for 7 days (with a growing moon):
- Put several large bills in an old wallet, and keep it next to you for the first 3 days. According to the signs, you cannot touch the accessory, open it and take money.
- After 3 days at night, take out money and a wallet, substitute it under the moonlight and say:
- Then you take a large banknote and buy gifts for relatives and close people.
- Count the remaining money and put it back in your wallet, and leave it there until the next new moon.
A successful wallet is a talisman of money luck. Therefore, you should not give it to anyone, even if you do not need it. The sign says: along with the old wallet, you can give money luck. An exception is the case if you deliberately want to give your 'magnet' for money to help a loved one who is young or in great need.
And you shouldn't take someone else's wallet either. Together with the accessory, you can be given a 'poverty program'.
Can I throw away my old wallet?
There are many signs about new wallets that help to achieve prosperity in the financial sector, but some manipulations can be done with an old wallet in order to neutralize negativity or strengthen monetary luck.
You don't need to throw away your old wallet, which delighted you with the crunch of large bills, otherwise the money will be offended and go away with the discarded wallet.
An old wallet will help bring in more money into life than it was before buying a new wallet.
- Get all the money out of the old wallet.
- Put a bill or coin of the minimum denomination in an empty wallet, put an accessory in a cache.
- According to the signs, in a month, replace the money in your wallet with a copy of a larger denomination.
- Perform this procedure monthly.
After six months or a year, you will find that the large bill lying in your wallet is small, because income has increased significantly during this time.
If the wallet has been empty lately, maybe throw it out and get a new wallet? It is necessary to buy a new accessory, but superstition does not order to throw the old thing into the trash can.
Despite the fact that the old wallet attracted only debts and empty waste to you, you need to say goodbye to it and spend it with honors. Perform the ritual when the moon wanes:
- Get all the change out of the old wallet and give it to the poor. The smallest pennies should be thrown over the left shoulder at the intersection.
- Wrap the accessory itself in a black cloth and say the words over it: 'Thank you deserved. I give up need and poverty. '
- Then burn him in a fireplace, stove, or bury the 'perpetrator of poverty' in the ground away from home.
For a magical ritual of parting with an old wallet, choose the day of the autumn equinox. According to the omen, at this moment you can not only get rid of the old wallet, but also get away from lack of money.
Burning ritual. The 'beggarly wallet' must be thrown into a fire specially made for the ceremony and the words must be said:
Signs on what to do with your new wallet
If your wallet is torn, this is a harbinger of a change in finance. The hard times predicted by the sign can be mitigated by buying a new purse.
- Not a single penny or banknote from an unlucky old wallet should make it into a brand new wallet!
- If you transferred money from the previous successful wallet to a new wallet, add another note to it. An important condition: the banknote must be received from a loved one (spouse or relative).
- In order for a wallet to attract money, they must be in each pocket of the wallet, at least one bill or coin. Place the largest banknotes in the middle pocket, and the smallest money in the outer compartments.
Another ritual when changing wallet:
- Immediately after you transferred the money to a new wallet, open the accessory and slide it clockwise 3 times over the candle flame. Be sure to use a new candle, light it only with matches.
- Then the wallet should be placed in a closed state on a clean plate where it should spend the night.
- Wash the plate in the morning, and use the wallet as usual.
If you were presented with an empty new wallet, this is a bad omen. To neutralize its effect, put 3 Feng Shui coins tied with a red thread into the donated wallet.