Many signs and superstitions say that the orchid brings harmony to the house. This flower symbolizes perfection, purity and integrity. If you are presented with such a plant, then they want to express the sincerity of feelings and the deepest respect. But there are other signs that are not advised to keep an orchid in your apartment.
Signs of negative impact
First of all, it is worth noting that the orchid is a flower for women, and therefore signs do not recommend keeping it in their home for males. The plant is able to pamper its owner, and therefore it is highly undesirable to place it in the child's room of the son, in the study of a man, as well as in the bedroom of a married couple.
- It is a bad omen to receive this plant as a gift from a subordinate who is disrespectful to you. And if at the time of the offering he thinks about how to harm you, the flower is able to accomplish this. He is able to provoke an attack of unreasonable anger, insomnia and problems in the intimate sphere.
- The orchid is called the energy vampire. Signs suggest that this plant absorbs positive energy in the house, which is harmful to the owners. Households may experience a lack of energy and constant fatigue.
- An orchid was brought from someone else's house – signs and superstitions say that this is also a bad sign. It is believed that this plant quickly gets used to its owner and does not tolerate a change of scenery. As a result, the flower can experience stress and take revenge on the new owner: the atmosphere in the house will begin to deteriorate, quarrels and conflicts will begin.
Some types of orchids exude a special aroma that acts on a person as a sleeping pill.
Positive signs
Having figured out why folk signs forbid keeping an orchid at home, you should move on to the positive influence of this flower.
- As a female plant, the orchid helps its owners maintain natural beauty and prolongs youth. Every day she will give a wonderful mood, strengthen health and enhance the feminine charm.
- Signs promise that if an orchid is properly looked after at home, then it can become a real amulet. The flower will help develop hidden talents and achieve success in the creative field.
- A healthy orchid that does not lack attention will fill your home with positive energy. She will not allow ill-wishers and envious people into your environment, she will protect you from guests who have planned evil against you. People say that a flower is capable of provoking headaches and other ailments in the enemies of its mistress.
- If your chef is too strict, then he should give him an orchid. The plant will awaken sympathy in him, and as a result, your boss will become more calm and loyal to his subordinates.
- When a girl or woman is given this plant, it means that she is treated with special trepidation and have extremely serious intentions.
- If the gift ended up in the house of a married couple, soon their relationship will move to a higher level, and the passion will resume with renewed vigor.
But you should not place this plant near your bed: at night it becomes especially active, which can negatively affect your sexuality.
Influence of orchid color on humans
The influence of an orchid is largely determined by the color of its buds.
- For those who are interested in whether it is possible to keep a purple orchid in their home, signs give a positive answer. Especially if at the moment you need to part with bad habits. A flower of this shade will help you quit smoking, support you in your quest for a perfect figure and, in general, will contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
- Red will increase efficiency and help get rid of laziness. With her, you will no longer postpone important things until tomorrow and you will always bring what you started to the end. This will make it much easier to make responsible decisions.
- The yellow flower promises financial well-being. With him, you will be successful in your career.
- Orange every day gives its owner a charge of energy. And if you feel that your strength is running out, get just such a flower. Your activity will increase significantly, which will allow you to start implementing your plans. With such a plant, you will receive a huge portion of inspiration.
- Blooming pink and white promises an improved mood. Such plants are recommended to keep in their home for women prone to depression. Pink and white orchid flowers, according to signs and superstitions, will get rid of prejudices, help to find inner harmony and drive away negative thoughts.
Where should the plant be kept?
Since folk signs have different interpretations regarding orchids, for many, the question of whether it is possible to keep this flower at home remains open. It is worth noting here that you need to find the right place for it.
- Located on the southeast side, the plant will bring prosperity to the house and contribute to success. Moreover, if the flower is red, then it is better to place it in the living room or at the workplace.
- If a woman wants to renew a passionate relationship with her spouse, then signs are advised to place the orchid on the southwest side. Soon, mutual understanding will return to their family, and alienation will disappear. In this case, a flower with dark red and scarlet buds is considered a good sign.
- The white orchid that you place on the east window will become a home healer. Every morning you will feel cheerful, illnesses will go away much faster, and headaches will no longer bother you.
- If you arrange the orchid on the northwest side, it will make the relationship between family members more harmonious: conflicts will disappear, resentments will be forgotten, and household members will become more united.
The best place is the western or eastern windowsill. Thanks to this arrangement, the flower will attract a lot of good things into your home and drive away negative energy.
Signs are advised to keep orchids in your home only if you are able to provide them with proper care. And if the flower does not feel discomfort, it grows and looks healthy, it will definitely give you a lot of positive emotions.
- This plant needs a special substrate, which can be purchased ready-made.
- For an orchid, as a rule, choose a transparent container or the lightest possible pot with holes in the bottom – so the roots will not overheat.
- Be sure to put a drainage layer under the substrate so that there is no stagnant water.
- For irrigation, use settled water at room temperature. Watering is carried out every three days in the summer and a couple of times a week with the onset of cold weather.
- Top dressing is applied once a month. Young flowers and plants that are in the flowering phase are fertilized more often – once a week.
- From time to time, the orchid is spilled under the shower. In this case, the water pressure should be low, the temperature should not exceed 40 °.
- It is advisable to keep the orchid at an air temperature of +20 to +25 ° C on a well-lit windowsill, but at the same time it is necessary to make sure that the plant does not get direct sunlight.
The orchid is very beautiful, and therefore it has many fans. But remember that it will attract good luck and joy to the house only if it is properly cared for. And pay attention to the signs: they will tell you where it is better to place this tropical plant.