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SETI Researchers – Search extraterrestrial civilizations – dream of one thing: get a confident signal from distant aliens who are trying to contact us. But imagine that one day this signal will come and be carefully tested and proven, and its strength will be equivalent to the WOW signal, once received by a radio telescope in Ohio in 1977 year.
We together congratulate each other, pat scientists, they will receive their prizes. And here another question arises. What to do next? Should scientists send a signal in response, they say, we got your message, let’s talk, hi?
Or should you listen to Stephen Hawking, who in 2010 warned that we should avoid contact with aliens in order to not run into them bloody (or whatever they have spills) battle? Scientists have been discussing this issue for a long time. Also in 1960 at the Brookings Institution in Washington was trained special document addressing potential risks contact with extraterrestrial civilization. The consequences will be anyway unpredictable, but they will depend primarily on like us earthlings who cannot find a common language even inside of our human society, we will turn to aliens. Even if the whole planet gathers to talk with aliens, obvious fact: only superior in power dominates in the Universe and development society. The rest survive and change. And the better we are if we can understand the factors that influence such situations, the better we will be prepared. Brookings said the US government carefully considering potential social reactions to such a discovery – it can vary from a sense of solidarity among people to disorientation, paralyzing anxiety and panic fear of aliens, as in the 1950s films “War worlds “and” the day the earth stopped. “Brookings suggested to study how terrestrial civilizations of the past reacted to disturbing discoveries before you clearly define whether to make the news public or keep the discovery a secret that would, in my opinion, be absolute swinishness. That’s exactly what scientists thought decades later, when came to the conclusion that the discovery of an extraterrestrial civilization would be too an important event to keep it secret. Therefore they started try to coordinate international response. In 1989 SETI researchers have approved an extraterrestrial contact protocol civilization, which was supplemented in 2010. Here is his most important principles: 1. Anyone who detects a signal must make sure that the most likely explanation for its source would be extraterrestrial mind, not natural or human noise, before moving on to the second step. 2. Before publishing the result, the discoverer must secretly warn other researchers SETI so that they can confirm the presence of a signal and combine efforts to oversee him. 3. The discoverer must notify International Astronomical Community and General Secretariat UN. 4. Do not answer the signal until consultation with international departments. In 1993, scientists from USA and then the Soviet Union, and the official representative of NASA John Billingham introduced this document, calling it “Protocol post-discovery SETI: what you need to do after discovery signal? “. Billingham noted that the complexity of the answer lies in that aliens for some time may know about our existence, which means they had more time for observation and studying what they have to deal with. He suggested that scientists and governments of states from around the world need to come to a single agreement regarding the contact protocol. Anyone who will communicate with aliens, must be addressed on behalf of the whole civilization, and this appeal must be predefined protocol. The actual message should be as follows Information: There is intelligent life on Earth, we received a signal and understood him. There should also be information about what kind of living organisms, including humans, live on Earth, and the sender must encourage aliens to send additional messages to establishing dialogue. In 2010, the UN Office for outer space began to work on creating international agreement regarding the protocol of contact. Chapter Management, Malaysian astrophysicist Mazlan Othman told colleagues that extraterrestrial life in the universe is most likely present in view of how many planets we discovered outside the solar systems and how much more we have to discover. “When will we fix contact, we need to get together and give one answer, which will be take into account all the feelings, emotions, experiences associated with the discovery. It is the UN that is the ready-made mechanism for such coordination. “But despite having a single protocol, scientist and political leaders still face a dilemma that people do not dealt with since the clash of Europeans and Native Americans at the end of the 15th century. We are haunted by the awareness of how the consequences of a meeting of two fundamentally destructive different cultures, especially when one is less savvy in technical plan. A 2011 document entitled “Fear, pandemonium, composure and triumph: the response of extraterrestrial people civilization “psychologist Albert Harrison noted that we already recreated the archetypes of strangers, and our public reaction to them the appearance is almost ready. If they will be “wise, kind and friendly “creatures, humanity will survive the new Golden Age, everything will be fine. The “catastrophic model” suggests that aliens will be “menacing, imperialistic, using force, bluffing and pressure, “intend to use our world or crave destroy him. There is a third option: aliens will be a post-biological species that combines organics and technology, almost reached immortality. In my opinion, this scenario will be the most unexpected since the earthlings will have to reconsider established concepts of life and death and abandon religious beliefs that we have been following for centuries. However, in the case of favorable outcome, aliens will be much to learn.
A photo from open sources
If you watched the 1951 science fiction classics Day, when the Earth stopped, “you remember the scene when in Washington a flying saucer lands and an alien emerges from it Klaatu. In his hand is something resembling an earthly weapon. After of how a soldier shoots at Klaatu, a robot comes out of a plate, with easily deals with soldiers and turns the tank into scrap metal. The wounded Klaatu rises to show that he had in his hand a miniature telescope that can look into space further than Earth observatories. According to the text:
“It was a gift. For your president. (He looks sadly at broken object). With his help, he could watch life on other planets. “Stop. Well, this is just a movie. The paradox in that the scene could have been real, had we come in contact with aliens who are likely to be much more developed, than we are. We are afraid of aliens, rightly believing that they can conquer us or completely destroy us, and to a lesser extent believe that they are friendly and just want to share their knowledge with us. IN 1995, Stephen J. Dick of the United States Marine Observatory wrote that the discovery of extraterrestrial civilization will have the same breathtaking impact on science and our understanding of reality, like the discovery by Europe of Greek science in the 12-13th centuries or the discovery of Copernicus in the early 1500s, that the sun and not the earth located in the center of our solar system. Many scientists, however, believe that extra-developed type aliens make no sense conquer us. This type of civilization is unlikely to want to visit. or conquer us, as in the film “Independence Day”, where such civilization spreads across the galaxy like locusts, capturing planets one by one and sucking out resources from them dry. In fact in space, countless dead planets with the richest reserves of mineral resources, and they can be freely to collect without contacting the stubborn local population. Attitude civilizations of this type to us could be compared with ours attitude to ants and anthill. We will not bow over the anthill and offer its inhabitants beads and other trinkets; rather, we simply will not pay attention to them. “For ants, the main danger is not that people will suddenly want invade an anthill or destroy an ant family. home the danger is that the anthill will interfere with people, and just walking around demolished. Do not forget that if we talk about energy consumption, then the distance between this type of civilization and our civilization type zero is much greater than between us and ants. ” “Physics of the impossible,” Michio Kaku There are several areas our development, which can significantly progress in the result of contact with extraterrestrial civilization: 1. Will be revealed The secret of traveling is faster than the speed of light. It is assumed that aliens who visit our planet will arrive from where, overcoming a huge distance. The closest potentially the inhabited planet is located at least 13 light-years from us. Aliens may be expected to use technology similar to the warp engine that Miguel predicted Alcubierre and which is being developed in the laboratory of NASA, or something else beyond the limits of human imagination. Aliens may also have anti-gravity technology if believe that flying saucers can do the impossible aerobatics (well, let’s omit that their existence is not proved). Of course, alien guests are happy to share with us with new technologies. 2. Freedom from our limitations biology. People are gradually getting used to ideas. transhumanism – developing exoskeletons and electronic devices such as implantable microchips that improve vision. But if a reasonable extraterrestrial species exists longer than we even several thousand years, they could well have become completely post-biological beings whose brains represent fusion natural and artificial intelligence. Maybe they don’t even we need bodies – they live in machines of our own design (we will hope they don’t look like Arnold’s “terminator” Schwarzenegger – that would be too weird). About this in 2006 spoke all the same NASA scientist Stephen Dick. We could make a quality transition to the future with transhumanistic devices of aliens. 3. Compensation environmental damage. It is likely that aliens with a much more advanced civilization mastered planetary design – the ability to make important and special changes into the environment. They could help us patch holes in our atmosphere and reverse the destructive process of change climate. 4. Conflict resolution. International conflicts they kill people much less than in the past – every year until 2010 About 55,000 people died from the war years. This is a third of deaths from accidents in the 1980s. But people still want to kill each other friend: according to various estimates and according to the UN, in 2011 around the world 468,000 murders were committed. If a reasonable extraterrestrial species lives longer than us, they must have created deadly technology at least least as powerful as ours, or they’ve built the Death Star, for which earthlings lack money. However further development civilization would have to lead to conflict resolution without use of violence. We could ask them to share this with us. method, well, or make us stop killing our own kind. what notably, many theorists of extraterrestrial life agree on one thing: if in space there is a coalition of intelligent aliens of different races, in this coalition, for its harmonious existence, are accepted civilizations that have reached a certain level of technical development, understanding of the world and most importantly – those who stopped internecine wars. What we, in the near future, do not shine. War Time Universe Life NASA Solar System USA