Where only UFOs are not noticed: over cities, in space near the sun …

Where only UFOs are not noticed: above cities, in space near the Sun ...A photo from open sources

The more earthly technologies that allow us to develop to see, shoot and study what yesterday seemed to be fantastic, the more and more UFOs began to come across, and not only in the sky of the Earth, but also in space, on the Moon, Max, Venus and so on, even on the Sun (or near it, to be more precise).

Large UFO flotilla near the sun

Recently, ufologists noticed in photographs taken by the device the American space agency SOHO overseeing our Luminary, many unidentified space objects that lined up according to a giant flotilla, almost 400 thousand kilometers.

Moreover, the ships in this flotilla of various shapes and sizes, why some space researchers have suggested that space objects located at different points near the Sun can just be meteorites. However, ufologists who do not agree with them drew attention to the too correct vector movement of all of these objects, complex build configurations that can serve irrefutable evidence that these are alien machines, not space junk.

However, watch the video yourself and draw your own conclusions.

In the Primorsky Territory there is an abnormal triangle that serves for the UFO “wormhole”

And if the UFO flotilla near the Sun is not so simple, then fixed “flying saucers” in the sky over the Far Eastern the city of Dalnegorsk is an indisputable fact. According to the military Air defense of the Far Eastern Military District, which hold the sky under constant monitoring, UFOs appear periodically here.

A photo from open sources

Moreover, they are not only fixed on their radars by military personnel, but the inhabitants of this city see it with their own eyes, and so often that they no longer pay much attention to these UFOs. As ufologists say, in Dalnegorsk area is an anomalous triangle, which may well be a portal to another world that is used aliens.

A photo from open sources

For example, recently the military here again discovered an unidentified an object hovering over the runway of the airfield, as if studying the secret zone of a military unit. And when the UFO was still emit mysterious rays, the whole unit was raised by anxiety, especially in the field of view of the military some strange creature. But as in previous meetings with by unidentified objects of this zone, it all ended in “zilch”: and a UFO, and the alleged humanoid suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if dissolved in air.

A photo from open sources

Scientists say that Dalnegorsk stands on a tectonic fault, and therefore, all kinds of anomalies occur here. However, such faults, ufologists emphasize, it is aliens who choose because they allow them to easily move between worlds.

The sun

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