Which finger should not be worn and why?

In ancient times, only royal persons could boast of jewelry. Among the wide variety of accessories, special attention was paid to rings. It was believed that this decoration had miraculous power and acted as a talisman against ailments and troubles in life. which fingers should not wear rings The same ring, being on different limbs, can have both a beneficial and a negative effect on the well-being of the owner

There were even beliefs warning its owner about which fingers should not be worn with rings. The ring can not only tell about the character of the owner, but also affect his condition.

Which fingers shouldn't you wear rings on?

Often, modern ring owners put on their jewelry unconsciously, not suspecting that each limb of the left and right hand carries a different charge of energy.

One and the same ring, being on different limbs, can have both a beneficial and a negative effect on the well-being of the owner.


Astrologers associate the thumb with the energy of the planet Mars. This planet is responsible for the following qualities:

  • quick wits;
  • determination;
  • perseverance.

The desire to put the ring on the thumb indicates that a person lacks volitional qualities.

In ancient times, monks wore rings on their thumb, in this way they confirmed the vow of celibacy.

Wearing a large one overwhelms a person's beauty and causes mood swings.

Try to avoid blue, blue-violet, and ash-colored stones as they can cause disturbing thoughts, dizziness, and nausea.


The index finger contains the energy of Jupiter. This planet affects the degree of development of a person's creative and entrepreneurial abilities.

All minerals, except for blue ones, will be undesirable, such stones can aggravate the owner's condition, worsen his affairs. Also, do not wear silver and gold – these metals can bring your business to ruin. Tin is preferred. This material charges you for success in business and increases self-esteem.

It is believed that if you wear a ring on the index finger of your right hand, then it contributes to the development of independence and responsibility, and on the left – hysteria and even megalomania.

which finger should not be worn on Do not be afraid to accept rings that you received as a gift from your own mother.


The energy of Saturn is reflected in the middle finger. This planet is capable of influencing a person's personal development. Feel free to put the ring on your middle finger if you are a bright and creative person who is not afraid to show yourself.

If you wear a gold ring on the middle finger for a long time, then it can absorb feminine attractiveness and sexuality. Lead and iron rings, on the contrary, fill the wearer with confidence, and the presence of natural stones helps to discover leadership abilities in oneself.


The ring finger is a favorite place, because it personifies the energy of the Sun, a light force is concentrated in it – love. Palmists have identified a number of reasons explaining why a ring cannot be worn on the ring finger:

  • Do not allow trying on a ring from a nameless one. Otherwise, betrayal, divorce or a break with your loved one promises you.
  • Avoid wearing silver rings if planning to start a family.
  • An unmarried person cannot be worn on the nameless left hand, thus, he attracts the widow's fate.
  • Do not wear multiple rings on one limb. Together, the rings take away your life energy.

Little finger

The patron planet is Mercury. Little fingers often adorn creative people. The energies of Mercury give them flexibility of mind and eloquence.

A person who has put a ring on his little finger is subconsciously ready for new acquaintances. In communication, such people are flirtatious and playful, but in relationships they are fickle.

How to avoid trouble

You should be wary of found or inherited rings. Because they contain all the vital information of the previous owner. It is no coincidence that superstitious old people say: “I don’t wear other people's rings. I do not want to carry someone else's fate. '

However, do not be afraid to accept the ring that you received as a gift from your own mother. This ring takes on the role of a family amulet. It can save you from the evil eye of ill-wishers.

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