Who is hiding the truth about UFOs?

Who is hiding the truth about UFOs?A photo from open sources

Ufologists around the world have repeatedly blamed governments and secret services of great powers in an effort to hide from the public the truth about contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence. In this regard you can recall the mysterious disaster in Roswell (USA) in the summer of 1947 or rumors of a UFO crash in the Urals in the late 60s. In all in such cases, authorities claimed that no aliens in those there were no edges, but enthusiasts trying to conduct their own investigation, had serious trouble with the FBI, KGB and similar organizations. EVEN UN POWERFUL IN 1980 ICUFON international organization of ufologists published a memorandum with rationale for the establishment of a World Agency for space affairs to perform the following tasks: implementation international control and monitoring of UFO activities throughout the world; finding ways to establish contact with the governing forces UFO activities; prevent any hostile actions by attitude to UFOs by the armed forces of the participating countries agencies; using discoveries resulting from contacts with UFOs to accelerate progress and improve life in all countries. IN the memorandum provided various examples of actions US government bodies aimed at silencing and hiding UFO data from the public. Supervisor ICUFON von Kevitsky in 1988 compiled and sent missions of all UN member states a new memorandum, containing 350 declassified documents describing 140 classic cases related to UFOs. This memorandum consists of four parts: A – UFO potential hazard syndrome; IN – military plans for armed defense against extraterrestrial invaders (UFO); C – undeclared war against UFO – galactic forces; D – the road to star war and the issue of survival. Undertook repeated attempts to organize UFO research as part of United Nations since some UN leaders took this problem seriously enough. First try organize an international study of this phenomenon undertaken in 1966 UN Secretary General Wu Tan. But the then representative US at UN Goldberg takes vigorous action to prevent of this, and assured W. Tan that the United States itself will hold an impartial scientific study of the UFO problem. About Wu Tan’s attitude UFOs can be judged by his statement made on July 5, 1967: “The most important issue that should interest us, except war in Vietnam – these are flying saucers or UFOs. “When in 1970 West German UFO researcher Jacobi asked Tan is it true that extraterrestrial UFO pilots made contact with governments and that all these facts and their reasons are kept secret, he replied: “There are things about which I cannot and do not have the right talk. “The question of the actions of the spacecraft of Earth powers when meeting with UFOs was touched upon at a UN meeting in 1971. Speech by the representative of Uganda, Ibingir, who expressed concern over dangerous consequences that could to have the careless actions of the crews of terrestrial spaceships when meeting with unknown objects. He stated: “We must be sure that the earth’s spaceship will not behave hostilely in case of accidental encounter with a spaceship or object of unknown origin. For the guilt of an unknown object, which caused damage to one of the states of the Earth, will be insignificant in comparison with the guilt of a state whose actions provoke aggression from the unknown cosmic source in relation to our entire planet. Therefore I suggest include in the draft convention a clause obliging states manage your space objects so that they In case of meeting with unknown objects, they were reasonable in their behavior, did not oppose these objects and did not provoke them. “This offer was also blocked by representatives great powers vetoing the UN Security Council. OFFICIAL SCIENCE AGAINST UFOLOGY American leadership For many decades, made persistent attempts prevent an international study of the UFO problem. So, still official reports of several disasters have not yet been published “flying saucers” that took place in the United States in the late 40s. More Moreover, government-controlled scientific organizations have repeatedly published reports stating that all such cases have a completely terrestrial origin. According to ICUFON, it is possible only explain the desire of the United States to belittle the significance of this problem in eyes of other countries in order to secure a monopoly in this area. A similar situation has developed in England, where a special the U.S. Department of Aviation’s UFO study back in 1959 collected more than 45,000 reports, notes and photographs relating to UFO. At the same time, all military and scientists were strictly forbidden, openly talk about UFO sightings. Examination of all received messages about UFOs in the english ministry of defense is conducted by a group of experienced employees who have access to any information received in order of the military department. However full reports on UFOs in in accordance with existing provisions may be published only after 30 years. If such strictness is introduced in democratic countries of the West, it is easy to imagine which secrecy surrounded the UFO problem in the USSR. The first Soviet ufologists began to collect materials on this subject in the late 50s, and already in January 1961, Academician L. Artsimovich in Pravda furiously attacked “irresponsible individuals” advocating UFO propaganda as a result of why the founder of Soviet ufology Fomin was expelled from society “Knowledge”, and work on the study of UFOs in the USSR stopped for several years. In 1967, after many statements by Aeroflot flight personnel about meetings of aircraft with uncontrolled dispatch service unidentified flying objects, Minister of Civil Aviation Loginov instructed to report on each such meeting. In October of the same year, a UFO unit was established at DOSAAF. However already a month later, the DOSAAF Central Committee adopted a resolution on the dissolution of UFO studies, and in December the Department of General and Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences The USSR, led by Academician Artsimovich, made a decision, condemned the study of UFOs in the USSR, declaring it an unscientific sensation. In February 1968, a devastating article appeared in Pravda. heading “Flying Saucers Again”, signed Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences E. Mustel, Professor A. Martynov and V. Leshkovtsev, in which the UFO problem was called myth and conjecture, and people taking it seriously were declared “ignorant of science.” WHAT DO UFOLOGISES HIDE? Dysfunctional the situation is also among ufologists. Recently Anton Anfalov, coordinator Ufa Association of Ukraine (UKUFAS), addressed the press with a sensational letter entitled “The truth about UFOs is not hiding only military, but also ufologists !!! “According to Anfalov, facts known to him indicate widespread silence the truth in Russia about UFOs and irrefutable evidence the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. And it happens under the auspices of the military-industrial complex and the scientific elite. The main Anfalov calls the culprit of this professor V.G.Azhazhu, president Department “Ufology and Bioenergyinformatics” of the International Academy informatization. Few people know how and with what Azhazh began ufological career while being captain of the second rank at Northern Fleet. Perhaps already in that period he received a wide support for the military and state security. November 11, 1976 he made report in the section of underwater research of the oceanographic commission USSR Academy of Sciences. Then Azhazha visited the department of science of the Central Committee of the CPSU, as well as Ministry of Outer Space Control Defense and personally the Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, where in detail reports on UFOs. But what he managed to learn about the abnormal phenomena (AA – the official Soviet name for UFOs) in high cabinets, Azhazha is silent to this day. In December of that year, he becomes the supervisor of research work (NIR) “The hydrosphere aspect of the UFO problem”, curated by … intelligence directorate of the General Staff of the Navy famous GRU or “Aquarium”, i.e. General Intelligence General Staff). These works were later concentrated in military unit 62728 in St. Petersburg. July 15, 1977 Ažazha presented to the customer the first stage of research “Methodological instructions for organization of observations of nuclear weapons in the Navy “(outgoing. N 13037/6-SPI). October 7 1977 these instructions were introduced by order of the deputy chief the main headquarters of the Navy, Admiral P. Navoitsev. Later same instructions were developed and adopted for the Soviet Army, where information flocked to military unit 67947 (Mytishchi), signed by Colonel R. Pokrovsky. Along with Azhazhi’s significant contribution to development Ufology in the period 1989-1990, his position suddenly changes dramatically: from an ardent supporter of the extraterrestrial UFO hypothesis, he becomes … ardent its denier, confidently asserting: “UFOs are not aliens!” He turns the UFO problem in the eyes of the public into something ephemeral multifaceted under the foggy definition: “local materialization of the essence of the Absolute through parallel worlds, ” borrowing at the same time the equally vague ideas of foreign colleagues, in particular Jacques Valle. The very same Valle, who at one time was closely collaborated with a CIA consultant professor J. A. Heineck. It is surprising that Azhazha, who had previously bombarded listeners with information about UFO disasters and alien corpses, showing photos of captured UFOs and humanoids in hangars, suddenly in public and pretty unconvincing, contrary to facts, debunking a UFO crash in Roswell, the reality of which is not in doubt for all serious researchers. In 1992, Azhazha visited the Roswell Museum, and in the same year (in the USA) he meets with American ufologists, including which was Phil Klass. As appears from the available documents, Phil The class has been a CIA agent since 1973. Its mission is to debunk UFO sightings. Extraterrestrial hypothesis begins to be interpreted by Azhazhey like simplisticism, “ufoprimitivizm”, which imposes a substantial imprint on the whole approach to research on the UFO problem and on attitude to dissidents. So, Azhazhi’s opinion has changed, but for some reason, it began to comply with the official ?! And about what is hidden in military unit 73790 in Zhitkur (at the training ground “Kapustin Yar”) and in Odintsovo (Moscow region), Azhazh stores the full silence. As well as the fact that UFO catastrophes took place – reliable Cases of 1959 in Poland, 1974 near Donetsk, 1978 in Kazakhstan, 1979 in the Urals, 1984 on the Kola Peninsula, 1987 near Vyborg and Monchegorsk, 1989 in the Perm region. Is available a lot of irrefutable material evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Like the corpses of aliens explored in Moscow and near Semipalatinsk. As a leading ufologist of the country, Azhazha with his I couldn’t know about the connections, and at least partially some facts probably he was known. But, apparently, he deliberately hid them. Another interesting coincidence. At the end of 1991 on the pages press under the auspices of the Ural Federal District – the center of Azhazhi discredited information about the alleged UFO catastrophe in 1983 on North Caucasus according to the group of F.I.Konovalov and V.P. Kostrykina from Nalchik. How did it come back to the history of eight years ago based on old polish props? And here is why. how admitted in 1995 a senior Ukrainian military, Head of the Main Hydrometeorological Center of the Ministry of Defense Colonel Yu.V. Lunev of Ukraine, in 1991, near the city A cool fighter was shot down by a UFO inside which were the corpses of two creatures were discovered, and the third was alive. All materials and the device was taken out on the external sling of a Mi-26 helicopter of military unit 73790 v Zhitkur. The role of covering this operation was played by the company Azhazhi in denial of UFO catastrophes. Nalchinsk group of ufologists after that was closed at all, and Konovalov himself, after his publications on hiding UFOs in Russia … went missing in 1997. Maybe he too close came to the dangerous truth about the UFO crash in Kabardino-Balkaria? The solution, perhaps, lies in the fact that, in addition to the search for truth, for ufologists and purely important the mercenary side of mass appearances and publications about UFOs. Scientific ethics are not taken into account at all. If in science a fake results is “mortal sin” and there are only a few cases of such “sins” in her story (they are all known), then in Ufology, there are thousands and tens of thousands of “pseudo-observations”, issued as valid. Theories are built on the basis of imaginary facts without any responsibility for their accuracy. Limiting themselves to short-term interests, fake UFO researchers turn a serious scientific problem into a booth, which causes considerable damage to the scientific study of space problems civilizations. However, myths and fairy tales, especially when they “caress” rumor, “not only children love, so that ufology will always have a large number of fans; but society needs to know that under certain conditions such legends can turn into painful hallucinations.

War Time Russia USSR USA Ukraine

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