Hair has a special energy, and it turns out that a haircut can not always go for the good. Many have heard that a wife cannot cut her husband's hair, but not everyone knows why. This sign dates back to the distant past. And if our ancestors believed in it, then it really has a certain meaning.
Hair energy
According to popular beliefs, the life force of a person is stored in the hair. They should be cut at least once a month. Bad energy accumulated on the tips needs to be removed. In addition, energy accumulates on a person's hairs, which protects him from harm.
If the hairdresser is a stranger, then there is nothing to worry about. He takes some of the negative energy onto himself. But if it's close? In this case, the blow will be on his health and the well-being of his family. For this reason, folk signs do not recommend a wife to cut her own husband's hair. Thus, the girl will take on the negative on herself, and this is fraught with quarrels and conflicts.
Signs – is it possible for a wife to cut her husband's hair
According to folklore, a spouse's haircut may end:
- a quarrel;
- the spouse will stop loving;
- will go away;
- get sick;
- will die earlier;
- will change.
According to the biblical legend about the Old Testament Hero-Judge Samson, his strength was in his hair. When his wife cut off the seven locks of his head at night, he lost his strength and became weak. Our ancestors believed that belief was connected with this legend.
According to popular belief, if you cut your husband's hair, he will get sick or die sooner.
If you still need to cut your beloved, follow the following tips to help avoid negative consequences:
- Cut your man's hair before sunset on one of the men's days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
- Before the procedure, wash the scissors with running water and cut the air three times above the spouse's head.
- At the end, rinse the scissors with which you cut them again, wrap them in a red cloth, in which they should be stored.
- To avoid quarrels and conflicts, before the procedure, the spouses should drink water from one cup, and sprinkle the remaining drops on the man's head. Such a simple ritual will help keep peace in the family.
It is known that an offended or angry spouse, at the time of cutting, causes huge damage to the spouse's energy field, which will entail health problems.
Can a husband cut his wife's hair
Situations where men cut their wives' hair are rare. Not everyone will dare to cut their spouse, and not every woman will allow it. According to folklore, as a wife cannot cut her husband's hair, and vice versa, it is not recommended for a husband to do this either. The negative energy that has accumulated in the woman's hair will be transferred to the spouse. Their biofields will begin to conflict and then, quarrels in the family cannot be avoided.