Why, according to legends, it is impossible to greet across the threshold?

Some people, especially those who have reached old age, sacredly respect omens and superstitions, one of which says that one cannot greet one another through the threshold, and that is why. why can't you kiss across the threshold At all times, the threshold was considered the border connecting a person's dwelling and the outside world.

Border between worlds

At all times, the threshold was considered the border connecting a person's dwelling and the outside world. It is for this reason that it was considered an energetically strong place separating personal from public space, and if the door could be closed or left open, then the threshold remained in its place.

What cannot be done while standing on opposite sides?

Many beliefs say that:

  • one must not take or give anything through the threshold, since this action can disturb the dead buried under it and cause their anger;
  • you cannot transfer money, as this promises financial problems;
  • you cannot sweep dirty linen in public, since there is a high probability of sweeping out financial well-being;
  • do not pass personal hygiene items through the nut: a towel, soap, a brush, etc., so as not to cause health problems.

Why can't you greet across the threshold?

In old houses, the threshold was always made quite high, and the doorframe, on the contrary, was low, so the person entering had to bow, and not always on their own, at the entrance and overcome a kind of energy funnel, in which all bad intentions remained.

If you met a guest on the doorstep, then there was a high probability that otherworldly forces would penetrate through the open door into the house.

There is another interpretation of the signs: people who lived long before us believed that evil spirits lived under it, and if you greet through the threshold or talk while standing on it, you can wake up evil spirits, which will then harm the inhabitants of the house in every possible way.

There is also a slightly different understanding of this superstition: by greeting through the threshold and talking while standing on it, you can disturb the ashes of the people buried under it and thereby lose their protection and guardianship. Not only old signs, but also bioenergetics, warn against the habit of shaking hands.

Since there are different worlds in front of and behind it and, accordingly, different biofields, their mixing can greatly damage the greeters, that is, lead to a misunderstanding between them, to a quarrel or to a protracted conflict.

If it happened by chance to say hello, then it is necessary to drag the guest into the house without letting go of the palm, thus preserving both friendly relations and the good disposition of higher powers.

you can't greet across the threshold If you greet across the threshold or talk while standing on it, you can wake up evil spirits

Why can't you say goodbye?

In addition, some signs prohibit saying goodbye through the threshold, as this promised a difficult road full of obstacles for the one leaving. If there is no desire to annoy the outgoing person, then it is better to say goodbye at home or behind the gate.

Why can't you kiss across the threshold?

Signs of loving people warn against the desire to kiss, since such behavior can lead to a deterioration in relations between lovers, a long separation or to a final break. Those who are connected with real feelings, it is better to refuse such experiments.

Magic rituals and ceremonies

In ancient times, there were many magical rituals, an integral part of which was the threshold:

  • under it they pledged (hid) various things designed to save or harm the owners – everything depended on the intent of the person who made the pledge;
  • the ashes of the first owner of the house (older relative) were scattered under the threshold and he became the invisible guardian of the dwelling;
  • salt or cereal was sprinkled on it to harm the owner of the house, etc.

Believe in such superstitions or not, everyone's personal business, but in order not to incur trouble on yourself and your loved ones, you should not ignore the warnings from your ancestors.

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