Modern people, although they do not attach much importance to superstition, continue to observe some restrictions, especially without thinking about their meaning. Since childhood, we have heard that one cannot sit at the dinner table. Such a ban is fully justified from the point of view of etiquette and logic, but it also has a certain sacred meaning. A girl sitting on a tabletop risks marrying unsuccessfully
Why not sit on the table?
Feasts are associated with many joyful and sad events. A joint meal marks the birth, the creation of a new family and departure to another world. This is the reason for many signs that explain why you cannot sit on the table.
Our ancestors were convinced that a wooden tabletop is capable of accumulating both positive and negative. During the meal, it was customary to discuss everyday affairs and difficulties. Therefore, a lover of sitting at the table could take on other people's problems, lose his luck and health.
A guest who committed such an act could easily be suspected of wanting to cause trouble. It was believed that if a stranger sat at the table in the house, the family should expect all sorts of troubles, quarrels between close relatives. Some even considered it a kind of curse.
It was believed that a girl sitting on a tabletop risked unsuccessfully getting married or even being alone. A similar belief extended to young guys. It was completely forbidden to use a piece of furniture for sleeping, since this could be followed by a serious illness or death.
For Christians, the assertion that sitting or lying on a table is a bad omen is religious. Before starting a family meal, believers offer a prayer to the Lord, thanking him for the food he has given. Accordingly, the tabletop, in their understanding, serves as God's hand, and one cannot sit on it, so as not to lose the protection of the Almighty.
It was believed that if a stranger sat at the table in the house, the family should wait for all kinds of trouble.
What other signs are associated with the countertop?
Folk wisdom has accumulated many superstitions associated with the countertop. Among them there are both bad omens and peculiar ritual actions designed to ensure happiness and wealth.
Bad omens signifying trouble:
- throwing a hat removed from the head over the tabletop – to a quick quarrel;
- leaving the knife is in big trouble;
- hitting an egg on the countertop – you will be drawn into a crime;
- the left eye itches at the table – expect bad news.
Our ancestors sincerely believed that in order to live happily, you need to show every respect for your home. That is why it was impossible to put anything on the table except food.
Signs associated with money and luck:
- You cannot leave empty dishes on the table – the family will not have money.
- The crumbs are collected only with a cloth so that the family always lives securely.
- To lure money, you need to put silver coins under the tablecloth. They do this by all means on the growing moon.
The following ceremony promises the wanderer good luck on the way. Before leaving the house, you need to sit at the table, holding the left edge.
Do not leave empty dishes on the table
Why can't you sit on the corner?
There is a statement that an unmarried young lady cannot eat while sitting on the corner of the table. It is believed that after this she will remain in girls for a long time. Particular attention is paid to this sign at weddings or bridesmaids. By the way, for bachelors living with relatives, the belief does not bode well, on the contrary, it promises them to find their own corner.
The sign that it is impossible to sit on the table has entered into secular etiquette as a mandatory rule. It would never occur to a well-bred adult to use a dining table as a stool, even if he does not believe in omens.
Such an action is unacceptable from the point of view of hygiene and common sense. You may not bring the displeasure of fate, but you will certainly give the impression of an ignoramus.