From time immemorial, the moon was endowed with mystical properties, and the light that it emits was attributed with special power. It is for this reason that various rituals were performed under the rays of this heavenly body. However, looking at the moon for a long time is undesirable. How is it able to influence a person? Various rituals were performed under the rays of the moon
Why can't you look at the moon?
People say that you can't look at the moon for several reasons.
- With prolonged gazing, you can go crazy. This belief was formed long ago on the basis of ancient legends, which say that under the moonlight, evil spirits are activated. As a result, there was a connection between the moon and evil spirits. At the same time, suspicious people suffer the most: they have migraines, irritability, and often insomnia.
- It is not recommended for girls to look at the night light. According to legends, the heavenly body is capable of taking away beauty forever.
- According to signs, pregnant women should also not look at the moon at night. Otherwise, childbirth will be difficult and difficult. In this case, it is desirable that even the light that emits a celestial body does not fall on the bed. And dense curtains on the windows will help to avoid trouble.
- The red moon in the sky is a symbol of trouble, and therefore during this period it is impossible not only to look at it, but it is also extremely undesirable to fall under its rays. Otherwise, serious illnesses will fall on the person.
You can protect yourself from the negative influence of the red moon in the following way: turn your back to it and spit over your left shoulder three times. After that it is necessary to pronounce such a conspiracy: 'The red moon has come, brought burdens, and I spit and wash them off!'
Red moon in the sky – a symbol of trouble
Influence of phases
As you know, the lunar month is divided into four phases: full moon, new, waxing and waning moon. And each of them has its own effect on a person. Let's figure out in what period it is impossible, and in what period you can look at the moon for a long time.
Young month
When a thin young month appears in the sky, people say: the moon has been reborn. The influence of this phase has the greatest effect on the emotional state of a person: people become irritable and aggressive, sometimes this attitude is replaced by apathy. In the presence of cardiovascular diseases, pain in the region of the heart is often noted.
At the same time, observations show that it is men who are more often at risk. The young month awakens in them unmotivated nervousness, which turns into rudeness.
The first
The first phase is considered the safest. During the period of growth, the celestial body only gains energy and strength, thereby activating all living organisms. The growing phase of the moon has a beneficial effect on a person: mood improves, efficiency and productivity increase.
The waxing moon promotes a speedy recovery and makes it easier to endure the process of getting rid of bad habits. In general, this phase allows you to give the right impetus to any undertaking. Right now it is possible to fix in the mind a new way of thinking and acting.
For these reasons, when the night star is in the first phase, it is not forbidden to look at it. During this period, a person has the opportunity to receive a charge of lunar energy and restore vitality with its help. However, it is still undesirable to stop looking at this celestial body for too long: there will be no benefit from an overabundance of energy flows.
Pregnant women should not look at the moon at night or childbirth will be difficult.
The second
During the second phase, the moon begins to wane. Its energy potential during this period is declining, respectively, and the person feels a breakdown. The celestial body has an active influence on the energy center located in the chest area, and therefore the risk of developing diseases of the cervical and thoracic spine and respiratory organs increases.
It becomes obvious that you should not look at the night star for a long time in the waning phase, otherwise this can affect your energy field in a negative way.
This period is the most dangerous for the elderly. People say that the waning moon is able to take away not only emotional and physical strength, but also several years of life.
In order to neutralize the negative influence of the moon, which is in the second phase, you should turn your back to it and fold your index fingers in the form of a cross on your chest. Moreover, they must be at the level of a celestial body.
Full moon
The full moon is the most beautiful and at the same time the most dangerous phase of the moon. According to esotericists, this period is full of mystical phenomena and is characterized by unexplained events, many of which can cause serious harm to a person.
When the night star is in this phase, its energy potential becomes very heavy, and accordingly, it affects a person in a negative way. During this period, not only the risk of developing serious illnesses increases, but the psycho-emotional background is also disturbed.
According to signs, it is on the full moon that a person often encounters various kinds of troubles and obstacles, experiences internal discomfort and becomes overly irritable.
Experts insist that people who are prone to neuroses and are prone to stress, it is highly undesirable to look at the full moon. Otherwise, insomnia may occur, abrupt changes in mood will begin, and sleepwalking is possible.
In addition, people say that under the full moon it is highly undesirable to walk. Undoubtedly, the night in the moonlight becomes fabulous and incredibly romantic, but with a young couple who decides to spend an evening together on a full moon, it can play a cruel joke. According to signs, a serious conflict is possible, which will lead to parting.
It is highly undesirable to walk under the full moon
Why can't you look at the moon through the window?
Our great-grandmothers knew why it was impossible to look at the moon through a closed window. The people have formed the opinion that this heavenly body can worsen well-being and attract trouble. For this reason, at night the windows were not just curtained, they were always closed with heavy shutters so that not a single ray of light could enter the house.
An interesting fact is that initially signs of the moon appeared quite a long time ago: in those days when there were no windows yet. However, even with their appearance, the fear of this heavenly body only increased. And this is not surprising, since window glass is an additional reflector of light, respectively, it can enhance the negative impact.
In India, the attitude to the night star is completely different. The inhabitants of this country do not feel fears and fears in relation to it, on the contrary, they believe that moonlight is able to give a person an easy fate, and goodness will settle in the heart.
The influence of the moon on humans
Despite the above signs, the influence of the moon on a person will not always be unambiguous. The main factors are the following:
- overexcitement of the nervous system;
- exacerbation of phobias;
- frightening hallucinations;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases.
However, according to esotericists, the perception of the lunar rhythm occurs individually: one person may suffer from insomnia, while the other will sleep well with the moonlight coming through the window. Moreover, after waking up, some experience an emotional uplift and cheerfulness.
Remember, in order not to fall under the negative influence of the night star, you need to know your lunar rhythm. As a result, you will be able to draw on energy flows that will affect your well-being and behavior in an extremely positive way.