In many cultures, the threshold is associated with the overall energy of the home and the well-being of its inhabitants. It is the front door that delimits the external and internal space, protecting the home from the negative that penetrates from the outside. Hence all sorts of superstitions arose, claiming that one cannot sit or stand on the threshold. The threshold is a peculiar feature that separates the living from the dead
Why can't you sit on the doorstep?
- The esoteric teachings of Feng Shui, popular in the East, endows the area adjacent to the front door with special properties, our ancestors put a sacred meaning in it. They believed that the good spirits of the house lived under the porch. This belief is one of the explanations for the prohibition of sitting on the doorstep. By his actions, a person can accidentally anger the keepers, which will entail subsequent misfortunes both for him and for everyone living in the house.
- In Russia, there was a custom, according to which the ashes of deceased relatives were buried near the house. Thus, this place became a kind of border between the two worlds of the dead and the living. Although the burial procedure itself has changed over time, the echoes of the ancient rite are reflected in folk signs. For superstitious people, the threshold remained a kind of line separating the living from the dead, which is why those living in the house were forbidden to sit on it.
- One of the customs associated with the doorway has survived to this day. We are talking about a cat that is usually the first to enter a new home. It is believed that the animal takes on the negative energy that has accumulated during the past inhabitants or during construction.
- Feng Shui fans give their own explanations for not sitting on the doorstep. In their opinion, the omen is associated with the negative energy of 'shi'. When you sit in a doorway, unfavorable streams freely ply from the street to the home, disrupting harmony, depriving the house and its inhabitants of health, financial well-being, peace of mind.
According to popular beliefs, you can't stand on the doorstep for a long time
Why can't you stand on the doorstep?
According to popular beliefs, you cannot stand on the doorstep for a long time. The threshold is the beginning of the path and an indecisive hitch, as they say, at the start, hardly promises success. Most likely, the person will continue to act indecisively. It will be difficult for him to decide on the choice of a life partner, work, hobbies.
However, in some cases, folk signs not only allow, but also strongly recommend standing at the door. It is believed that this is how you can overcome the melancholy of a person who has died or left home. In this case, the position of the legs and arms should resemble a diagonal cross with support on the four corners of the lintel of the entrance doors. A kind of meditation can be accompanied by prayer.
Other folk signs associated with the threshold
- It is undesirable to greet a guest who has come through the doorway. This is believed to lead to a fight or breakdown in the relationship.
- In order for the pregnancy and childbirth to proceed safely, a woman in a position was not allowed to step on the threshold, so that the negative energy that was accumulated there was not transmitted to her.
- Not only our ancestors, but also modern esotericists do not recommend transferring things or money across the threshold. It is believed that passing the border between the two worlds, bills lose their energy, which leads to financial losses.
- A creaking threshold is a very bad sign. Given that this place is associated with the souls of the deceased, it is easy to explain why the unpleasant sound causes concern. The structure must be repaired immediately as soon as such a defect appears.
- By the way, the adage that it is unacceptable to take quarrels out of the house is also magically connected with the threshold. Here it means that it is undesirable to sweep the garbage outside the door of the house, family happiness will go with it, peace and harmony between the spouses will be broken.
The threshold can bring not only trouble, but also good luck, financial well-being, and family happiness. It is not for nothing that female rituals are associated with him, aimed at attracting a betrothed and fortune-telling for material wealth. What you need to do to get what you want:
- a coin placed under the nut attracts money into the house;
- a charmed salt thrown after an unwanted guest through an open door will save him from visits;
- going on an important matter, you should step over the threshold with your right foot;
- to recharge yourself for the whole day with good luck, when leaving home, hold the corner of the table, and before
- exit, knock twice on the lintel.
If a person stumbles over a threshold, it is believed that the spirits refuse to support his designs. After that, you can expect minor and major troubles.
Sorcerers and sorcerers have long believed that the threshold enhances magical rituals
Magic and witchcraft
Sorcerers and sorcerers have long believed that this place enhances magical rituals. These properties were used to induce damage, cause quarrels between loved ones. Conspiracy objects are left under the steps or rug. Their role is most often played by:
- large sewing needles;
- cemetery land;
- keys or locks;
- wax or church candles;
- animal hair;
- poultry bones.
When a person steps over the charmed objects several times a day, he receives a maximum of negative energy from them.
It cannot be denied that in most superstitions and will take some kind of folk wisdom that warns a person about certain events. Follow the popular recommendations and do not worry about your future.