The table is popularly called God's hand, since it is he who gives us food. He was always treated with honor and awe. However, many signs do not allow sitting on the corner of the table. Superstitious people say that this place is special: the spicy part can destroy well-being. Is it so? People say that if a girl is sitting on the corner, then for seven years she will not be married
Why not sit on the corner of the table?
I would like to note right away that this omen will not always be bad. However, first it is worth getting acquainted with the prohibitions.
Popular beliefs
According to popular belief, this place becomes especially dangerous for a non-family person.
- People say that if a girl sits in front of this part of the table, then for seven years she will not be married.
- According to another popular sign, the opposite fate awaits the young lady: there will be marriage, and not one, but seven.
- Beliefs forbid a couple in love to sit on the corner. It is believed that he has the ability to share, and therefore will certainly provoke a deterioration in relations and an early separation.
There is a saying among the people: 'You cannot sit together at the corner – there is not enough space.'
The ancient teachings of Feng Shui
It is believed that there is a certain difference between a raised and a falling angle. The first 'blows' the energy out of the person, which makes the mood, and sometimes the state of health, worsens. As for the second, he is able to absorb any energy flows; it is for this reason that the naughty child is put in a corner: there he quickly calms down.
But since for such a place there is no difference what energy to take, it is impossible to stay near it for a long time, especially for children.
If we talk about the corners of the table, then they are protruding, and the sharper this part, the more aggressively it affects a person with its 'poison arrows'.
- According to Feng Shui experts, if you sit in this place, the angle will be directed directly to the solar plexus. Its action in this case is negative: as a result, the person will lose both money and happiness.
- The sharp corner of the table can provoke a deterioration in health. Dividing the space into two parts, it sends negative currents to the heart and impairs the functioning of the digestive system.
- The ancient teaching also warns girls that sitting in this place, they are deprived of the opportunity to get married. And there is a logical explanation for that. 'Poisoned arrows', falling into the area of the solar plexus, which is the energy center, does not allow a woman to become a good wife. She will not be able to support her spouse and help him achieve a position in society.
At the same time, the girl may well have relationships with young people, however, all of them will be very short and will not lead to anything serious.
Good omens
There are also those signs that are positive.
- 'Whoever sits on the corner will always be with him!' This superstition suggests that a person will soon be able to purchase his own home. And if you have been dreaming about this for a long time, then the people say that, sitting down at this place, you should definitely say this saying.
- A sign promises girls to find a wealthy man, and there is also a proverb on this score: 'If you sit on a corner, you will get married with a corner!' In other words, the spouse will be with an apartment, and life will be a full cup. And the sharper this part of the table, the closer the wedding.
- For a family person, this part of the table can also bring happiness. They say: 'You won't be left without a corner!'.
How to neutralize a negative omen?
If you are worried that a bad omen may come true, then to neutralize it, you need to do the following:
- in no case take this place on such holidays as Easter, your birthday, Christmas;
- if an unmarried girl is on the corner of the table, she should utter a conspiracy: 'I am sitting at the corner, waiting for my husband with an apartment!';
- married ladies should say the following words: 'I sit on the corner, I live with my husband for a century!'.
As you can see, if you sit in this place, then you can attract good luck. It's all about a positive attitude. It is enough to broadcast the correct thoughts, and the Universe will have no choice but to bring them to life.