Why are there so few who remember their past life?

Why are there so few who remember their past lives?Photo from open sources

Reincarnation, that is, rebirth, is still not recognized in the world, and neither by official science, nor by Christian Orthodox, for example, the almighty Vatican. And this despite the fact that it is now known for certain that in In early Christianity, the idea of ​​reincarnation was, however, later extinct from this doctrine, as a hindrance to dominate people’s minds, which, of course, are easier to scare with terrible hell and lure mythical paradise.

At all times there were people on Earth who remembered their past life, among them many outstanding personalities, for example, Pythagoras, Blavatsky, not to mention the enlightened demigods – Buddha, Jesus Christ, the Dalai Lama.

However, why are there so few people who remember rebirth? Esotericists say that memory of past lives is not blocked by chance, because if a person’s soul is not yet developed, such memories can harm his cultivation in a new incarnation. It is no accident that enlightened personalities always remembered their past reincarnations, but the bulk of people are not. However now that we are on the verge of a race change, more and more are born indigo children who also remember their past lives. And them getting bigger and bigger.

By the way, orthodoxes, in their tenacity to deny reincarnation as times rely on the fact that the bulk of people do not remembers his reincarnations, and units that claim the opposite, simply, they say, dreamers (especially children) or mentally sick people. But then it turns out that almost all outstanding personalities, including the Buddha and the Dalai Lama – just patients mental hospitals?

This is one, but there is another contradiction: during the session regressive hypnosis almost all people remember their past life, that is, the memory of reincarnations is stored in our subconscious, however for some reason it is blocked. Here is how this lock, for example, is described in an ancient book Srimad-Bhagavatam, in one of the eighteen major Puranas of the device of our world: the baby comes out of the mother’s womb on the light is suffering greatly, still lifeless, but already lost its memory …

Indigo Children Life Reincarnation

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