Since ancient times, people considered the table to be God's hand, and therefore treated it with great respect. And this is not surprising, because behind it we restore strength and replenish energy reserves. For this reason, self-indulgence and disdain for him have always been suppressed.
Moreover, on the countertop you cannot not only sit, but also knock on it, including food. Since then, there has been a sign that it is absolutely impossible to beat eggs on the table. What is the threat of violation of this prohibition?
Whoever breaks a boiled egg on the table is causing trouble for his family.
Why can't you beat eggs on the table?
This superstition is often remembered on the holiday of Easter, when the household, gathered together, are trying to break the eggshell on the tabletop. And this action has always caused indignation among superstitious people. What is the reason?
- People say that whoever breaks a boiled egg on the table brings trouble to his family. According to signs, this behavior promises quarrels, discord in relationships and constant conflicts.
- Beating an egg on the countertop is breaking your own life. According to popular superstition, luck and happiness are turned away from a person. In other words, his life will be shattered, just like an eggshell.
- According to another sign, if someone breaks a boiled chicken egg on the table, then he attracts trouble: this person risks becoming a victim of a crime, or foolishly doing something bad himself, for which he will later have to pay.
Why can't you bang an egg on the table?
And even knocking an egg, from the point of view of superstitious people, is considered unacceptable behavior. And the one who allowed himself such frivolity faced punishment.
- As mentioned above, the table is called God's hand, and therefore, if you knock on it, you can offend higher powers.
- According to another sign, such an action could cause someone's death. Popularly, this is also called the syndrome of Koshchei the Immortal: the longer the knock sounds, the closer death can come. This belief applies to greedy people who dream of untold riches. It is such a person who is able to bring trouble if he knocks with an egg.
- There is an opinion that such an action will necessarily entail poverty, loss of property. In this case, we can talk about dismissal from work, or burglars have entered your house.
- The people believe that the one who hits the table with an egg will cause discord in relations with others. Friends, relatives and just acquaintances will begin to express dissatisfaction, and the reason for this will be the actions of this person or himself.
Rescue workers have their own version of the interpretation of this sign. It is believed that knocking an egg on the table is categorically impossible, as this provokes various disasters associated with fire. For this reason, fire brigade fighters never allow themselves such behavior during lunch.
Superstitions may seem like unjustified fiction, and therefore to listen to them or not – everyone decides for himself. However, at the table, you should still behave with restraint.